Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

October 4 and 5th- Bobby still in San Francisco

Postmarked October 4th- Not received until after reposted 10-27 -
Gayle to Bobby
October 4, 1967
My Dearest Husband, I really don't know how to start this letter.
I'm fixing to go to your parents for you to call. I only know that
even I didn't know the extent of how I loved, love and will always
love you until today. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to
face in my life, until one of us loses the other. I just don't know
how I could ever go through this again. It is really hell. Did you
get drunk on the plane? Silly Wolph! I don't care if you did. I'll
get you some underclothes and regular socks in the mail tomorrow
first thing after I get some money to mail them. There will be some
extra money if I work a week for Marian.
Angel, I'm sorry I made such a thing about my birthday. I could have
made out, but I was worrying about you having money and I was afraid
of you not taking at least $70 if you had bought me something. I got
the phone I wanted and that's fine. I've already thought of all sorts
of things to send you- Lord I love you so, God knows I couldn't live
if I even thought something was wrong with you, least of all if I
didn't have you.
You know I feel like when you left today that my heart just simply
left my body and joined yours. You know that's just how it is. I
hope I didn't embarrass you, but I just couldn't tear ;myself from
you, yet knew if I stayed much longer and I just couldn't in front
of you. There's one thing for sure, when you come home I surely
won't hold back tears then! Poor "Little Bit" won't know what's
wrong, but he'll be all decked out for his daddy.
You know, don't ever worry about my daddy messing up my mind while
you're gone. They were both great tonight. But the point is, I've
never been able to say-realized that daddy only makes me see what
a good thing you are. You're so much better than he is. Your love
for me is consistent. You're just my ideal. The fella I dreamed
about and never thought I'd find. I can thank God every moment
for you, our life together, our love and our future, which is
going to be fine.
Just think about getting home and there we'll stand waiting for my
Wolph! I'll still be your mouse, as you left her, only better and
wiser because of my love for you. And honey, I won't ever forget
you love me. I think I can flatter myself enough to say you love
me more than anything else. If you didn't you wouldn't have had
such a hard time today, but I'm so proud of you. Every day I'll
pray for you and love, and pray for us, me and Little Bit. He
won't know, but I'll be so lonely too, as you are, 'cause I'm
not a complete person without you. I'll write in a little while
when we talk. g.
Hi! I'm back, but I'm at your parents waiting for you to call.
It's just 10:00 now. I don't imagine you will get to call until
after 11:00. I made a list of things to ask you when you call.
Everybody's talking so I'll write tonight more.
Hi again my little Wolpf! I just talked to you! At your mother's
and here at home. It was hard thinking it will probably be months
before I can talk with you. But when you do call me- let me know
when so I can glue myself to the phone. This crazy Snuffy is so
funny. He is jumping all around after flies. They are really
frustrating him.
Gosh, little angel, I'm so glad you met somebody on your flight.
It won't' be so bad. At least you can get to talk to him. I hope
you eat a good breakfast. I forgot to tell you and you know, I
forgot to tell you, well and think I could call you in the morning
at the Holiday Inn. It may still be done. However, it would make
it harder- hot with money primarily, but we are liable to get

the feeling we'll be able to talk every day, while avoiding the
fact that we can't.
I've made myself a list of things to be done and I'll get to them
shortly. I'll try to send you something even sill some things about
every other week or 2 weeks. At least once and sometimes twice a
month. Could I be less clear? Haha
Whenever things are bad angel, just remember you're fighting for
yourself, me and little bit. If you have any trouble adjusting,
talk with a Chaplain. That's what they are there to do. He might
be able to help you.
It's funny, but this makes me more aware of God's presence. Which
is fine and good- and of course of the beautiful love we share.
I'm waiting sweetheart - as you measure time - 6 pay days or 11
pays. I'm right here- and I'm so proud of my soldier. I'm right
there as well.
Till tomorrow- All my Love, g.

Postmarked October 5th from San Francisco - copy of orders enclosed
-Bobby to Gayle

To My Sweet Mouse, Sweetheart, I love you so much. This year is going
to be hell for us both. I was just putting my green uniform away and I
saw all the letters and the package you fixed for me. I didn't look
through them but I just saw them. I think you are the most wonderful
wife anybody could have. Not very many wives would have done that
for their husbands. Right now I'm sitting up in bed waiting for you
to call. The television is on but is messed up. So I just got up to
turn it off.
Lord, sweetheart, this next year seems so long. I hope and pray that
I can come back early. I miss you so much already I can't stand it.
Mouse, please take care of yourself and don't do anything to hurt
you. Well, you just called and I could have talked to you all night.
I can't wait to see you again. I hope so much that it will be so.
I love you so much.
Well, I'd better try to get some sleep. I'm so tired. I'll write
you again when I get a chance. And Gayle remember that I love you
more than anything else. I really do. Love always, Your Wolpf xxxx
P.S. I love you.

Today's Hint: Simmer a pot of water on the stove with cloves
and cinnamon sticks to make home feel inviting when you need
to clean up.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.