Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Departure Day

Departure day
10/07/67 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Friday Night
Dear Mouse, Well, here I sit with nothing to do. After I
called you I went down into the lobby. This doctor came
up and we started talking. He's going over on the same
flight as I am. Then a chaplain came up and we started
talking. It turned out he is from Chattanooga. His name
is Kelly. He's a captain. We had a talk- in fact we talked
for about an hour. He made me feel a little bit better.
But, I still miss you so much. I love you so very much
sweetheart. Thi8s year seems so long. I wish I could be
with you physically all the time. I love you so much.

Well it's not too much longer till I leave. From what I can
understand we will be working about a 14 hour day, so I will
stay pretty busy. I'm kinda scared about going right now.
I guess that it's just the fear the unknown. I just can't
wait for this year to be up and I can see you again. It
seems like a year since I've seen you now.

I just got through packing all my stuff I had issued to me
yesterday. I really had a struggle with my duffle bag.

Well sweetheart it's been a long boring day. I'll guess
I'll go to bed now-after I mail this. I'll snuggle my
pillow and pretend it's my mouse. I'll write again in
the morning. So take care of yourself, Little Bit and
Snuff. And remember that I love you very, very much.
More than anything.
All my love always, Your Bobby
p.s. Wolph wuvs the Mouse.

10-7-67 Postmark PM Oakland Bobby to Gayle
Saturday morning
Dear Mouse, I'm so scared. The nearer it gets to the
time to go, the "scareder" I get. I woke up this
morning and cried for about an hour and half. I just
want to see you so very much. I miss you so much. I
sure don't want to go over there. I love you so much
darling. I want to come home to you so bad. I can
hardly stand it. This has been the worst part of my
life- these 4 days I've been gone. And the year to
come will be even worse. I just wish I didn't have
to go. Please try every way you know to get me back
home soon. I just don't know how I can stand this
year without you. I love you so much.

I know for sure I'm getting out of the army next
October. This has turned me against it. I hate it
so bad.

I am so lonesome. I miss you so very much. I love you
so very much. I want to see you so bad it hurts all
over. Every time I think about being separated from
you for such a long time I start crying. I love you
so much.

I have to go try to eat some breakfast and get my
dog tags fixed. So, I'll close for now. I'll write
again as soon as I can. Gayle, I love you so very,
very, much. Take care of yourself, Little Bit and
Snuff and I hope to see you soon. I love you more
than anything.
All my love always, Bobby

Postmarked 7 Oct 67 PM- Bobby to Gayle

Saturday Afternoon
Hi Sweetheart, Well, here I sit waiting. In about 2
hours I'm going to take my baggage to be picked up.
This I think I'm going to watch the football game
on TV. I watched part of the World Series but lost
interest. I just wander around here in daze thinking
about you and how much I want to see you and how much
I want to come home.

Have I ever got a nervous headache? It's about to
kill me. I'm scared to death. I wish I didn't have
to go. I dream about you every night. I wish you could
be here with me. I hope when I come back to S.F. you
will be there to meet me. I just don't want to be away
from you. I love you so much.

I have got everything packed and ready to go. The only
thing is I'm not ready to go. When I get to VN I'll
probably send some things back to you- my green uniform,
fatigues, etc. Gayle please do take care of you while
I'm gone. Please keep me informed about what Dr. Demos
says and everything happening around there.

I wish I could write down and tell you how much I love
you sweetheart, but I just can't put it into words. I
just know I love you more than I've ever loved anything
before. When you aren't around I'm miserable. Even when
I was at Ft. Jackson each day I was a way from while
I was at work seemed like an eternity. The time I am
with you just seems like a moment.

Well I got a new roommate here. He's a 1st Lt.-
Intelligence. He's kind of a smart ass. This has
been the longest afternoon. I've had nothing to do.

Well I'd better go mail this. I'll write again tonight.
Gayle remember I love you very, very much. So take care
of yourself and Little Bit and Snuff. And remember
that I love you very, very, very much. More than
anything. All my love always, Your Bobby
[Here a heart is drawn with an arrow - reading Wolpf
loves Mouse]
Wolpf loves Mouse very, very much

Postmarked 07 October 1967- PM Oakland- card scanned
to right>
Bobby to Gayle

Postmarked Oct 8 PM Gayle to Bobby
October 8
Dear Wolph, I love you so very, very, very much! And I
miss you more than that! You know angel, I know
everything will be all right. You'll be back in at
least 11 months, some odd days and we'll have a happy
ol' life together. I can't wait to talk with you
tonight. I'm sitting by the phone all day, it seems
even though I know you wouldn't call 'till night.

Today I did so much. I'm awfully tired. Do you know
I finished the book shelves and sanded about 1/3 of
the bed. Margaret came over and got the sofa. Honey,
I'm learning to live with fear, uncertainty, doubt ,
despair, loneliness, bitterness, etc. But you know
what outweighs them all?......Hope- plain and simple.

I'm watching Snuffy play with a lifesaver[Cherry] He's
so funny. You know angel, I've told you before you
are what I've always wanted, and you are what I would
have waited my whole life for if necessary. That too
is simple. I have you earlier than what might have been,
but only now I must wait nearly a year to have you,
for us to have one another as I have dreamed. You are
my handsome, sweet, kind, funny, warm, strong, husband.
You are strong because you are gentle and gentleness is
the strongest thing on earth. Because gentleness is love.
I love you so my darling, so much I ache inside. I too,
am really quite miserable, but then again, I was so very
much more miserable in search of you and the perfect
complete and eternal love we share. You are my life .
And with us we shall never know death, because our love
knows only life, for it cannot truly , ever die.
There's a Chinese proverb that goes something like,
"None before thee, my husband, not even I." That is my
proverb and revelation to you, for there is only my love
for you and your love for me that is important, with
the exception of God, who we love, who gave us the love,
laughter and sorrow we share.

I've been philosophical enough for one night. I will love
and need you always.
Forever I love you, all my Love, you Mouse xoxoxoxox

Thought for today: You have the right and duty to look down
at a another person only when the person needs the help of
Hint for today: For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut
yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the
pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.