Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Monday, January 18, 2010

October 15 1967 Bobby and Gayle

Unclear postmark- reposted 10-22/10-24/10-28-1967
Gayle to Bobby

October 15th
Dear Mr. Wolpf, Here I am again just sitting
here thinking how much I love and miss you and
please hurry home soon. Then, there's very little
to say each day, but I do love you so very much.
I'm going crazy to hear from you. Have you gotten
any of my letters? You're bound to know something
by now. Janie's in town now. She looks good. She
and Brenda and I played Canasta last night 'til 1:00.
I don't know if she'll ever have that baby- honestly.
Janie spent the night. Bless her heart; I've had her
crying the whole time. ZI just took her home so she
could go to church. I'm going to go to your familys
for lunch. Then about 4:00 I'm going to go up to visit
Col. Bates with Mom and Dad and get some of his apple
cider. He's a darling man. Next week will be busy.
I'm not having my Tupperware party 'til the 25th and
I must call everybody and get it fixed up. Then I
have to go to town and have the water put in our
name before they turn it off. I found out we pay
for water and they'll turn it off if I don't' do
something soon and you can't handle it over the
phone. I really want to work for Marian, but
there's so much I have to do this week. [The
doctor, etc. that I couldn't work.] I've
finally quit losing weight. He may not put me
on a diet since I've lost some pounds. I haven't
heard from Nolan or Audrey. I do wish I could
get those pictures. I can't start fixing up the
nursery until at least January 'cause of the
money. I've forgotten all about draperies for
the bedroom, etc.

Snuff got into another fight with Hank this
morning. Snuffy didn't get a scratch on him.
He's in good condition now and you know he
seems to have grown a little bit. I'll have
to leave in a little while to go to your
parents and I want to mail this before then.
Cassandra's been fine since they reset her
plugs. Lord that scared me to death when she
broke down. I guess I was mad more than
anything. Bob, honey, do you need anything?
I worry so much about you. Mom is getting
up all sorts of cookie recipes to decide what
to make for you. She may get you some before
you come home- she has so very much to do.

I just talked with Dad. He's mad 'cause I
didn't go to church. He's right really because
It gives me something to do on Sundays and
besides if I don't' get in the habit of going
now I won't when the baby is growing up and
we'll have to. I had a sick headache this
morning. I'm a mess. I've felt better
physically in the last couple of days
since I've been pregnant. I'm just tired.
Honey, I love you s. Yu just don't realize
what you are to me. I must go- will write
tonight. All my love forever,
Your Gayle [The Mouse]

15 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, You wouldn't believe the rain here.
It's really bad. It rains for about 2-3 hours real
hard and then it just starts raining. There is mud
and water everywhere. The sun is shining now and
about every 15 minutes it rains for about 2 or 3
minutes. Then when the sun shines the humidity is
so bad you can hardly stand it.

The boy I told you about who is going crazy is in
the hospital now. They took him to a psychiatrist
today. He is really messed up. Last night at the
Hail and Farewell I was talking with the Battalion
chaplain. He went to Tennessee Temple. He seems
like a real fine man. When he was in school he
worked at the Hamilton National Bank. He leaves
here in 6 months. So he will be around for a while.
I guess if I looked hard enough I could find
somebody around here from Chattanooga I know.
These days just drag by. They seem so long. I
miss you so much. Also, last night at the Hail
and Farewell we had a steak dinner and all the
drinks we cold drink.

In our company we have 2 sergeants who are
members of Hell's Angels. They are pretty nice
men. They don't cause any trouble or do
anything out of the way. They have real good
military courtesy.

I'm going to mail your birthday present this
afternoon. I really hope you like. I didn't
really know what to get you, so I really do
hope you like it. If there is anything else
you want just let me know.

Well, I'd better go eat lunch now and get
your package mailed. I'll write more later.
Sweetheart, I love you very, very much.
............more than anything. Take care
of yourself, Little Bit and Snuff. ..........
and I love you. All my love always,
your Bobby.

15 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, This will just be a short
note to let you know I love you very, very
much. I haven't much time now and I'll write
you again tonight. This is the 2nd letter I've
written you today and I want to make sure it
goes out this afternoon. The one tonight will
go out tomorrow morning.
I mailed your birthday present today. Please
don't get mad at me for spending so much on
it. I wanted to because I haven't really
gotten you a present since we have been
married. If you need any money let me know
because I can send you some.

I love you so very, very much darling. The
time just drags by here. Sometimes it goes
by pretty fast though. I finally started to
work. I'll be the Depot Security officer.
I'll be working mostly at night. I've got
to run now. I'll write again tonight. I love
you very, very much.........more than anything.
Please take care of yourself and Little Bit.

All my Love always, Your Bobby

18 October postmark- Reposted 22 Oct/ 24 October
Gayle to Bobby
October 15
Dear Angel, Did you have a good day today.
Lord I wish you'd get my letters. You've not
been able to answer anything. This last letter
I got from you was written a week ago. A lot
can happen in a week and I know nothing! I just
worry. I'll be 100% better if I knew where you
were and that you are settled. Snuffy and I are
fine. Tonight Janie and I watched the Sun. night
move with Brenda. Then I took her home. Snuffy
sits here and watches me as I write. He's wild
sometimes. The only thing that's wrong with me
is I've eaten all sorts of things that make me
have gas pains. I ate lunch with your mom and
dad today. Dot Jameson came over. Jeffrey is
sick. He can't walk well. He has to drag his
back leg. They're going to have to get him a
shot for his rheumatism. Poor little thing is

Honey, I miss you so much it's not funny. I
see you everyplace. Tonight it just hit me
just how long a year would be because
this - not quite 2 weeks has been an eternity.
It seems so anyway.

Vicki Sussdorff has been sick and Dana even
sicker. Dana's had something bad wrong. They've
had to run tests and all sorts of things.
She has 9/10's the resistance she should
have or something. It's pitiful. I need to
call her and find out how they're doing.
I found out through Elaine. I hope she gets
all right.

You know there's one thing for certain.
Already I feel like the next baby we have
couldn't be as hard to get here 'cause I
worry about the least little thing and with
another pregnancy AI wouldn't feel the need
to. I'm fine, it's just that this little
fellow will come into such turmoil and I
will have been upset the whole time I will
have carried him. Oh, I think Janie may get
her vacation April 12-19th and be able to
stay with me the last week. That would help
so much. She will help me clean up the house
and get things ready. Lord, I love you so
very much. When you don't get a letter
written everyday know the reason is that
some days I can only think of you, leaving
nothing much to say. I'll love you forever-
All my love, Your Mouse.

Thought today: Some people no matter how old
they become never lose their beauty. They
merely move it from their faces into their

Hint today: The Good Housekeeping Research
Institute found Olay Regenerist
Micro-Sculpting cream to be more moisturizing
than products 10 times its cost.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.