Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Friday, January 15, 2010

Family letters 8 October to 13 October 1967

8 October 1967 postmark Reposted 14-Feb/15
Bob's Mother to Bobby
My Dear Bob, All day yesterday we would say
"They'll be there in 10 more hours, then "8"
and so on with the countdown. We are so anxious
to hear about your flight over, where you stopped,
etc. I'm sure under different circumstances it
would have been a fabulous adventure.

I'll call the Free Press and get them started on
the way to you and then you'll know more about
what's happening than we do for we don't read
every word of it as you will.

It would have been so much easier if you could
have gone on Thursday as planned. It must have
been nerve wracking just to sit around and wait.
I've been real busy with getting the
acknowledgements out [yes, I'm still working
on them] and attending to legal matters. Bill
and I will get your $2500 set up in the next
day or so. It sure will be good to have that
security when you come back.

I've an idea something is going to have to give
for Johnson's popularity is going down every day
and he will take it just so long. Honestly, I
don't believe you will have to stay there a year.
Beginning tomorrow I'm going to start marking
off the days and weeks.

Insist to Gayle that if we can help her in any way
not to hesitate to call us. I believe she would
but we want her to know she can depend on us. We
tell her that and I feel she will.

Daddy really had a "record" birthday. With the
ones you all gave him, I added 5 more so he is
pretty well off for awhile.

Everyone we see and talk to asks to be remembered
to you. Mrs. Cubine was especially interested.
Elaine and Jim were in Albertville this weekend.
We kept Butch and he and Jeff just smelled and
then went their separate ways.. Gayle is getting
along fine under the circumstances. She and Sue
came up Saturday and got the bricks for the

The ball game Saturday night started out like a
runaway with U.C. on the losing end, but the
2nd half N.C. came back and Catorino set a record
by completing 19 passes. The lst 10 minutes were
played in a down pour.

Write us when you have time and tell us all the
details about everything. We are so anxious to
hear. We you can write us a list of things we
can send you.
Snuff is such a good watch dog. Every time we go
down he is sitting in the yard or on the porch
just like the king of the neighborhood. We are
anxiously awaiting your letters.

We are proud of you and love you so very, very
much. Mother.

12 October 1967 postmark-Reposted 10-17/10-18
Bob's Sister to Bobby
Dear Bob, Aloha! Did you have a nice time in Honolulu?
It is a shame you couldn't have spent all those extra
days there instead of San Francisco. Was your trip over
nice? I be that jet ride was nice. Do you have a
"geisha" yet? How is the water? Do you really need
pre-sweetened Kool-aid, or does a little "tod"
make it better? Send us some hints as to what
type of foods, etc. to send.

Gayle is doing just fine. She is adjusting fine.
She had dinner at mothers tonight. Nuff-Nuff is
fine too. Gayle says he has been droopy since
you have left. I had to go to PTA tonight.
Those parents can really corner you. They get
really upset if you don't praise their little
darlings to the heavens.
Jim is fine and is as cocky as ever! Sunny sends
you a hello "nicker" and Butch his best opossum
yelp! I hope you are fine. Make the best of
everything while you are there. Jim and I both
are very proud of you. Write us often. We love
you, Elaine
[Note on back from brother-in-law Jim]
Well, Robert I want to know one thing. Are you
still constipated? Get some navy beans. You will
have enough gas to end the war. Love, "Jaw"

12 October 1967 postmark-Reposted 10-17/10-
18/10-21 Bob' Mother to Bobby
Dearest Bob, I guess by now you are in Long
Binh [sic] and are settled in your new duties.
I hope it will be something you can be happy
doing because no matter how things are we always
have to make the best of them. We got your letter
today and were thrilled to get it. Of course you
were afraid, anyone who wouldn't be is not quite
normal. As I have said before it takes a brave man
to be afraid and then go on and do what he has to
do anyway. One who isn't afraid is a daredevil and
it doesn't take courage on his part or he is just
plain stupid!

I got your certified back certificate today for
$2500. It is already drawing interest. Did we
tell you that if it isn't going to cost too
much that we are going to put in a big log
fire place in Tet's room where the back window
is? We are working on it now, planning it I mean.

You confessed about being afraid? Now I'm going
to confess. I cried very little when Tets died
and when you left and when you called until
Saturday night after we talked. Then the heavens
opened up and the tears flowed all over the
place- poor Fred, he was so sweet and the sweeter
he was the harder I cried. Finally I went into
the TV room and sat down with my Bible. When I
opened it, it fell open at the psalms 107 where
I had marked verses 23-30. After that I read
other passages and went to bed to sleep. I've
been alright since then. Yes we do have to trust
God. It is when He is our ONLY help that He is
closest. Don't ever fail to call on Him for
strength for He has promised it to us. I didn't
mean to preach but I probably have worried Him
a great deal these last week's calling on Him.
Read Psalms 107: 23-30

I called Tuesday and had the Free-Press started
for you. We see Gayle almost every day and talk
to her EVERYDAY. She's a great gal. We love her
and are proud of her as we do and are of you.
I'm beginning to see bottom on the
acknowledgments and will that ever be a relief.

I'm practically doing nothing on my cards for
I'm just too physically tired to fool with it.
Fret is busy but not having to work too hard.
He rubs me with Ben Gay at night and then I
rub him and then our old bones feel better.

Elaine and Jim are getting estimates on their
breezeway. When you come home all of us can
help you and Gayle get your home all fixed up.
We hope you'll let us.

Do write and tell us details about what you
are doing, where you are living and all about
your life over there. You've no idea how
anxious we are to hear. We love you very much.
[Dot Gurley? called today for your address.
She is going to write you]

Oct 13 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Thursday night
Hi Sweetheart, Here I sit writing to my sweet
mouse again. Lord I hope I can keep on writing
you 2 times a day. Gayle please don't worry
about mama san. I didn't get her. She was here
when I came . And, besides you're the only
person that I care about. I'm sitting here
writing you and listening to the radio,
looking at your picture.

Today I went down to the finance office and
they paid me $130. Part of it was your travel
pay. The other part was dislocation allowance.
If you want me to send you the $20 for you,
just let me know. You can forget about sending
me that money. But you can send me some wash
Gayle, sweetheart, I haven't told you that I
love you very very much in this letter yet...
........more than anything darling.

I went up on this mountain today. You wouldn't
believe the scenery around here. It's beautiful.
I'll send you some pictures when I can get some.
I don't like going up on that mountain. It's
about 900 yards straight up and besides that
I was scared to death.

I got a flu shot today. We had a volleyball
game tonight and then the move was Fantastic
Voyage. I looked for you a birthday present
today, but I couldn't find you anything. I'll
probably pick you up a present tomorrow. I
really don't know what to get you. But I'll
send you somethig. Lord, Gayle I love you
and miss you so very much. I think of you all
the time. I want to see you so bad. That's
the only thing I want to do.

We have some real fine people around here.
The Battalion CO is real nice.....a whole
lot better than Herriot. His name is Lt.
Col. Mabry. I think that he likes me. I've
been real friendly to him.

We had a man get bit by a scorpion today. I
don't think that it is real bad though. I
just can't tell you how dirty this country
is. There are rats all over the place. The
mosquitoes are real bad too and it's hot all
the time. The monsoons are about to start
here. It really makes you appreciate what
you've got at home. Just simple thing you
take for granted- like water. You can only
drink what they call potable water. I love
you so much darling. We have television her,
but we just get a few programs. You really
appreciate home. One thing we do have we
didn't at Long Binh is hot water. A shower
really feels good at the end of the day.

Well, there isn't much more AI can tell you
now except I love you so very much and I
can't wait until I get home and be can be
happily together again. If you need any money
let me know. 'Cause I think I'll be able to
make it real fine with a lot less than I'll
be making.

I'd better go to to bed. Darling I love you
very, very much. More than anything. Take care
of yourself darling, Little Bit and Snuff. And
I love you very, very much. All my love
always, Your Bobby.

13 October postmark Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweet Mouse, I just finished lunch. We
had ham and sweet potatoes. It was pretty
good. Our company commander just came in
today off his R&R. He leaves next weekend.
He seems like a real fine man. He's a
colored captain. He's real funny. I wish
I could get some mail this afternoon. I'm
so lonesome. Today has been really cool.
About 80 with a real good breeze. I don't
know right now what I'm going to be dong
around here. He'll probably tell me this

I love the Mouse very much. Always remember
that sweetheart. I love you so very, very much.
I really do sweetheart. I'm sorry this is so
short, but I have to go see the new CO now.
I'll write more later.

Sweetheart, I love you so very much. I'd give
just about anything to be with you again. I
miss you so very, very much. Please take
care of yourself and Little Bit. I love you
more than anything.
All my love always, Your Bobby

14 October postmark -Reposted 10-22/10-24
Gayle to Bobby

October 13- Friday 02330[?]
Dear Sweetheart, You have no idea how it is,
well I guess you do too- to wait for the mail
and not have a letter from you. It won't always
be your fault because of how the mail is.
I got your first letters pretty fast, I think.
I just will always worry so when I don't get a

I had dinner with Elaine and Jim tonight. I've
been sitting here playing with the Snuff. He's
so funny! This is about the first night I didn't
go up to Brenda's. She and I've both been sick
today. I need to sleep though. Oh! Janice had
her baby. It was a girl. Lois called at 3:30
in the morning- last night, so I don't know
when she was born exactly, however I imagine
they're just fine.

Well angel, where are you now? I love you so
very much. You know you're everyplace I am. I
miss you so very much. It's really not easy-
our situation is it? Are you going to forget
me? You know it's funny, but I couldn't forget
you if I wanted to. No matter what, I see your
face and as you were when you left Atlanta or
I hear your voice as it was that night at 2:25.
I love you so my angel Wolpf! I have so much
trouble sometimes with thing to write about.
I only think of how I love you, how I miss you
and you coming home soon to your little Mouse
and Little Bit and the Snuff.

Can you imagine how Lolo is carrying on about
Janice's baby? She probably thinks it's the only
baby in the world- And naturally no one could
have ever had a baby in the same way that
Janice did. You know honey, it just seems like
ours in a boy. I just hope it's healthy and
what you want. I don't really have a preference.
Snuffy is still going through this stage of
bringing anything and everything he finds onto
the porch. He's so cute.

I'm going to Brenda's for breakfast in the morning.
It's my turn down there tomorrow. I'm trying so
hard to stay busy. Its lots easier. Honey, I'm
falling asleep. I'll write more tomorrow night.
I love you- more than anything, all my love
forever, Your Gayle

Thought today: " Well done is better than
well said."

Hint today: Use a coffee filter in the bottom
of a flowerpot before adding the dirt and plant.
It allows water to drain without allowing soil
to leak out the hole.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.