Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Thursday, January 14, 2010

October 12, 1967 Gayle receives 1st letters from Nam

12 October 1967 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle
Card envelope- card missing
12 October 1967 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle
Thursday, 12 October
Hi Mouse, How are you doing? It's been fairly cool
here today. It rained here last night and there is
mud everywhere. It's really nasty. I'm beginning to
get used to it though. They say that the worse time
is the time up until you get your 1st letter. I
guess that when I get this letter off you will about
be receiving my first letter from over here. I should
be getting my first letter in about a week. If you get
a chance find out Maj. Glasgow's address.

Gayle, I love you so very, very much. Please believe
me. I'm sorry for all the times I've been a bastard.
It's just I've had so much on my mind and I'm sure
you've had a lot on your mind too. I finally got to do
something today. I supervised the spreading of some
dirt over a mud hole here in the company area. It's
really bad here because you have to look busy even
though you're not. I'm writing this letter during
part of my lunch time.

I have to run by finance today and then go to the PX
and get my film developed. There has been the worst
smell here today. I don't know where it's coming from.
I wrote everybody yesterday. Most of them were just a
But at least I got them something in the mail.
Well sweetheart when I write you in the afternoons it
will be a pretty short letter 'cause I haven't the

Mouse, remember I love you very, very much. More than
anything. Please take care of yourself, Litte Bit and
Snuff. I love you very much. All my love always,
Your Bobby

13 October 1967 postmark -Reposted 10-22/10-23/10-24
Gayle to Bobby

October 12, Thursday
Dear Angel, I got three letters today from you in Nam.
I'm so glad you're there safely. I imagine by the time
you get this you'll know where you're going. When you
write to me, by the way, put the city on top of the
page. You never once told me where you where, just
what you had eaten. However, I'm glad it's good food.
If ever you don't have much to eat don't tell me

I don't' know how much you need [$] but please
find a check for $25 after the letter I mailed you
today, just before your letter came you'll know why
I didn't have it. Your mom is sending you the money
actually, because I'm just not making it. It's that
simple. Also, I got the bi today for our care check-up-
$53.80! And the reason I got it is because I asked for
it when I was at the Ford place after the car broke
down today on Talley Red. -with me, Brenda and Kelly
in it. I don't have enough to pay all our bills as it
is without that is least of all when the unforeseen
happens. And there's no excuse for it when nobody -
any of the wives here know of needs at the most $75
to live there, and you'll be getting more than that-
at least twice that next month.

Well, that's that-
but the bills are just gonna have to ride a while
and I'll sell Tupperware starting November and be
able to buy Xmas, a little for everybody. Yours
will just be late. I love you honey, so very much
though. You know how I truly love my Wolpf.
Mom bought me some material for a maternity dress
today. Bless her heart I haven't had a chance to
get her a birthday gift. Actually, I'm staying so
busy I can't even keep the diary I started. I'll
pick it up later though. Snuffy is getting even
more protective about me. He's starting to get
peculiar to Sonja. Last night eve he tried to bite
Daddy's heels when he brought my bullets and was
standing 2 feet from me.

I go to see Dr. Demos
Friday week. I'm always scared to go. I'll tell
you all he says. He's a good friend Bob, to you
anyway. I'm sure everything is fine. Say, are you
getting my letters yet? I'm getting worried about
'em all. Shoot, you ought not to miss me now. Just
think of all this mess here at our home. I keep
wishing that mess would end and you'd get home
sooner, but I don't bother God with anything but
getting you home safely, keeping me safe for you
and our baby safe for us. I'm just so helpless to
help us financially since I'm now 3 1/4 months
pregnant. Do you realize that? This time next month
I will be half through the pregnancy.

Don't worry
about the money we owe you mom. It's arranged. If
you get me more money each month I pay her back
the $75 in February. By the way, she asked that you
keep this money matter between the three of us. So
don't mention it in anybody else's letters other
than mine.

Also, I quit smoking [six packs ago]
In other words; I've gone through 6 packs since.
This just isn't the time to do it. Poor Snuffy.
He knows you're away and that's why he's gotten so
much more protective. You wouldn't believe him.
You also wouldn't know us. We're skinny. No but
I've lost some weight and he has too. Brenda and
I have fall into this pattern of she and I
alternating breakfast for each other and me staying
at her house 'til sometime between 12 and 2:30.

I'm really exhausted. I know I must start taking
it easy 'cause I've been forgetting about needing
to rest for our Little Bit. That's so important
to us right now.

I've decided to write you a letter each night at
the end of the day and mail it in the mornings.
You know I just don't even enjoy smoking anymore
at all. I do believe I know I'll quit soon, if
for no other reason than the money.

Have you made friends honey? I miss you so very
much. -Especially when I'm not doing anything
and at night. That's why I can't sleep. Wolpf,
you will be so proud and glad at how our
mothers are doing. They are both getting excited
over the prospect of them and me working on
things for the baby together and they compliment
each other al the time through me. Oh honey,
you know they both are helping out so much in
so many ways. They need me in different ways
and vice-versa. And, Daddy and I don't have a
bit of trouble. The things we usually fight
about we both ignore and he talks to me about
his pitiful problems as if it were a best
friend to best friend. That's how he needs
you though. He seems to be perfectly happy
over the way mom and I are getting along with
one another. That's what he wants so much
'cause mama tries and I'm beginning to feel
the weight of a child and understand in a
small way just now how our parents feel
about us. And what makes it so much better
is that your parents care so much for you
and that mine too, truly loves you and
they are all four realizing you and I are
adults with minds of our own and God willing
- soon have our own family to share. So, no
matter how very hard this separation is I
believe you and I and the rest of our
family will come out the better for it.
There is a reason for it and every day I
try to find another new one from the last.
I love and miss you my Wolph. All my love,
forever, Your Mouse xoxxooox

Thought for today: Everyone's greatest joys come
from self-accomplishments.
Hint for today: Store Yogurt [good 5 days past
use-by date] in the fridge upside down. It forms
a seal that keeps bacteria from seeping in.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.