Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Thursday, January 7, 2010

10-06-1967 Postmarks- Day before leaving USA

October 06-67 Postmark Gayle to Bobby
Re-posted 10-27/-10/28/-10/31

October 5th
My Dearest, You just don't know how much I already miss you. I
you before you even got on the plane. I'm keeping myself busy-
sort of.
I've straightened up the house and all. I folded all the clothes
and I washed the other night and cried when Ifolded your things.
I'm just going to hang all of your un-ironed clothes up.About a
month before you're home I'll iron them, or start. I've made avery
thorough list of things I have to do- From sewing up your clothes,
to refinishing furniture and getting the draperies up. I found out
about thisplace in Rossville where I can get these real good
curtains dirt cheap. They
are name brands, but are seconds. It may be a lot cheaper than
even making
them. Oh, I'm so glad you don't want to stay in the army! I
really am.
We can live right here when you get back 'till we get a house.
[We already
have a home]

Honey, I didn't know a person could cry as much as I have.
It's awful.
I just wander around the house not know what to do. Then
all of a
sudden some things around bring you close to me and I cry
more. I
guess too I'm surprised I have been able to not break down
in front of
you. On the phone it's harder 'cause you can't see me.

I figured today, after I pay these scattered bills, I'll
have $12 left 'till
my check comes in. So I hope I get to work a week for Marian.

I'm going to Sonja Royal's house for dinner. Brenda Kelly
and the 2 of
us are all pitching supper together. Sonja is sick and won't
call a doctor.
Which is silly? Maybe she will. All I'm taking are those
heated up baked
beans, tea and Lemon. I'll be fun. Anyway, I'm going to go
get things
ready. I'll talk later.
All my love, forever yours, Mouse

10-06-67 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle
Friday October 6th
Dear Mouse,
Well, here I am with nothing to do. I don't leave until 12
o'clock Saturday
night. So there's nothing to do until then. Right now I'm
trying to do work
at the dump. This is the first chance I've had to write you
The plane we go on is a Continental Airlines plane. On the
way over we
make one stop at Wake Island. I think that's what we do.
I've met the boy from Memphis who is leaving tonight. He
has been
married for 6 months. His wife is having similar trouble
to what you
had last fall. He's worried to death. So last night we cried
on each
other's shoulders. I think this made it a bit easier on us.
(He and I)
This morning I went to the PX and bought some underwear.
what I wore Wednesday is beginning to smell a little bit.
Lord, sweetheart, I don't know who I 'm trying to fool by
rambling on
like this. Each moment seems like an eternity here without
you. I miss
you so much. This just gets worse as the time goes by. I
never realized
how much I could miss my sweet mouse. I love you so much
Probably on the phone I'll figure out how many seconds it
is until I
see you again. I love you so much.
Gayle, I'll be thinking of you the whole time I'll be gone.
And, I'll be
there by your side in spirit. So please think of me all the
time. I had
a dream about us last night. It was so real- just like being
and having a good time. My roommate got up last night and
it woke
me up. I said, "Gayle, what's the matter?' I love you so
Well, I better close for now. I'll call you tonight.
[Friday, Oct.6]
Please take care of yourself, Little Bit and Snuff.
I love you very,
very, very, very much. More than anything.
All my Love always, Your Bobby

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.