Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Monday, January 25, 2010

22-23 Oct 1967 Bobby FINALLY GOT MAIL

22 October postmark > Bobby to Gayle

Sunday morning Oct 22
Dear Sweetheart, Well I finally got some mail
today. I got a letter from your mother and daddy,
my mother and daddy and my Mouse. You just can't
realize how it makes a person feel when he is
half way round the world from his love ones and
hasn't heard from them in awhile. It's about the
best thing for a person over here. I never thought
a letter cold look so good.

You wanted to know why I wasn't getting any work
in my field. Well the 157th is a service company.
The service we provide is depot security. We have
nothing to do with supply except we guard the
supplies. . I'm the night security officer. What
I do is sit in an office, check the guard about
2 times a night and if there is any sniper fire
on somebody trying to break into the depot. The
guard sees it call it back here and I and 2 other
people go investigate it. That has my job during
the day is a Captain. He is really a bastard too.
Tonight about 8:30 he came into the office after
being at the club drinking for about 2 and a half
hours drunk. He was really raising hell, chewed
out everybody around for nothing; he was slamming
his desk drawers and everything. I can take all
his hollering and screaming but he had better not
ever touch me 'cause that's when his ass is mine.
No matter what I do then I'm covered. Anyway he
just has about 30 more days here. Then his
replacement will be in. But he really showed his
ass tonight.

Honey, how long does it take my letters to get to
you? I was just wondering. I sure am lonely over
here. I just can't wait until I can come home to
you again. Lord, I wish that I could see you and
I miss you very, very much.

Your best believe I'm getting out of the army
after this. This is the most ridiculous place
here. If I told you what it was like as far as
rinky dink stuff is around her you wouldn't
beleive me. Anyway it's too much to write
down. I don't' much think anybody can realize
what it's like unless they have been here.

Actually what my day consists of is starting
at 7 at nigh I go to work; get off work at 6
or 7 in the morning; sleep to 2 or 3 in the
afternoon; shower/shave; watch a move; eat
supper; go to work. That's about all I do. I
have some additional duties in the company.
I'm savings officer sanitation officer,
piaster officer (UN Money][?] and seasonal
indoctrination officer. Being seasonal
indoctrination officer means that at the
start of the monsoon season I tell the
troops to wear their rain suits and at the
end of the monsoons I tell them to take
their rain suits off. Isn't that ridiculous?

Well, I'd better run now and check the guard.
Honey I love you very, very much........more
than anything. Take care of yourself and
Little Bit and I love you. All my love always,
Your Bobby [Wolpf]

22 October postmark > Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Just woke up..........It's
hot as blazes here. I thought the monsoons
had started but it looks like they haven't'.
I sure hope they don't start. Gosh, I want
to see you so bad, I wonder what you are doing
all the time. You sound like you are having
a good time. I sure hope so. If you are having
a good time with Sonja and Brenda it probably
takes your mind off a lot of things.

I'm so miserable over here. Every day seems like
a year and the time just doesn't seem to be
getting any shorter. It just drags along. I'm
hoping and praying I get home when our baby
is born.[ Please try to get Dr. Demos to help
you get me home. I want to come home so bad.
Please sweetheart -try to get me home.] (Part
in brackets had circle around it in red ink)

Well, I have to go get a shower and shave now.
Please write whenever you can. I love you very,
very much..........more than anything. Take
care of yourself and Little Bit and I love you.
All my love always, Your Bobby

23 October postmark >Gayle to Bobby

October 22-
Dear Angel, Here I am just thinking about you.
That's all I do. We started working on the
furniture yesterday and last night I went to
hear John Gary with Sonja, Brenda and two other
army wives. I'm so tired. I don't really feel
so very good. I've got to start resting
more.......really. I'm so tired-very- and
so I therefore don't feel so very good. I
love you so much. This was a bad day for me
'cause I got to missing you so terribly much
I could hardly find anything to be glad about
except the day you'll come home and the baby
- our very own baby. I've come to look on him
as a very special gift from God. He is now
and I hope will be a reality that's tangible.

Brenda hasn't had ;her baby yet. To be honest,
I wish she'd hurry. She is so miserable. I love
you so honey. It hurts. I see you every place I
look. I wake up every morning and think it
couldn't be possible for me to love you more,
but each day comes and I love you more.

Are you eating better? I worry so much about
you. What' all this about this colonel? I
thought he was the one you liked. I wish you'd
start getting our mail we send you. You said
something about people being "funny" there and
it not being what you expected- What do you
mean? Lord you're working hard enough. At least
you're busy. Just don't overdo yourself if you
can help it. I had dinner with Mama and Daddy
tonight. Poor mom, she works awfully hard.
Honey you just couldn't believe how tired I am.
I guess it's 'cause I've done more than I've
been supposed to. I need to really be more
careful of Little Bit I suppose. Snuffy's been
sweet lately. He's a mess. Honey, I'm going to
go to sleep . I'll go ahead and mail this in
the morning. There's really not much news as
of now. Oh, did I tell you they acquitted
Bookie Turner on ALL charges?

I'll write tomorrow- I love you more than
anything- All my Love forever Your Gayle

Postcard Postmark 10/23/1967 > Bobby's sister
to Bobby

Bob, Thought you might like this. No news.
I hope you are fine. Everything here is ok.
The den will be finished in a week. Write soon.
Keep the good spirits up. We love you, Elaine.

23 October 1967 Postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Monday morning
Dear Sweetheart, I just finished my last check
of the guards. It sure has been hot here. This
captain I've been telling you about is ridiculous.
There are 8guard stations; we have 8 guards; a
Sgt of the Guard; Corporal of the Guard and a
driver. Well tonight the corporal had CQ in
the company and this captain wanted two roving along the back fence and another
in the ration yard. Since the corporal of the
guard had CQ he wasn't here. The driver of
the truck and the Sgt. of the guard had to be
the roving guards. The driver and the Sgt.
are supposed to stay here in the office. So he
pitched a fit and we had to put them on as
roving guards. So tonight I have had to be the
officer in charge of security, Sgt. of the guard,
and the corporal of the guard. That man is
really an ass. It's a good thing he's not in a
combat unit 'cause somebody would shoot him.
But he just has 29 more days her. His replacement
will be in the 12th of next month. I guess I can
stand him for about 4 more weeks.

I got a package from you today... One of the ones
with underwear and socks in it. The card was the
cutest one I have ever seen. I got a card from
Mrs. Grainger and that was it. I know you are
writing every day, but the mail gets mixed up
somewhere along the way. I sure wish I could
hear from you every day. But I guess if they
can't get the mail here they can't do it.

Did you enjoy seeing Janie? I guess it was alright
without be around because I act like such a bastard
when she is around. I don't know why I do. I guess
that I'm just no good all the way around.

Please let me know what Dr. Demos says every time
you go to him. I worry so much about you. And,
please ask him to help you get me home when it
comes. Please do that for me.

I'm so miserable over here. You stay dirty all the
time. Sweat all the time and if you're not seating
you're getting muddy. It seems I've been here 3
months already and I'm just starting on my third week.
I miss you so much. I've got everybody in the company
to like me. That's good. All the NCO's seem to like
me. Which I think is good. But it's still not like
being at home. I guess nothing can be like that. I
want to see you so badly. I miss you so much.

I just thought of something. 1968 is a leap year so
that means I'll be here 1 day longer than I thought.
It just seems nothing goes my way. Did you get what
I sent you? I sure hope you like it. I really didn't
know whether you would like it or not.

It started raining here a little bit tonight but it
didn't amount to anything. I hope it doesn't rain
too much here. But that's something you can't
control. I just don't have ti9me to do anything
besides work over here. I have about 4 hours a day
free time. That's when I'm not sleeping. I usually
watch a move in the afternoons. Today they had
"Georgy Girl." They get some pretty good films here,
but still it's just not like being at home.

Well, better try to get some sleep now. I love you
very, very much........more than anything. Please
take care of yourself and Little Bit. Please get
Dr. D. to help you get me home when our baby
comes. I love you very, very much. All my love
always, Your bobby [Wolpf}

Thought today: We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.

Hint today: To fall asleep fast try closing your
eyes, look to the right and pause then to the left
and pause. Repeat for 5 minutes. Psychologists say
this eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
reduces the intensity of troubling thoughts.
Plus it induces restorative REM sleep.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.