Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

10-05-1967 Still Stateside

October 5- PM Postmark from Oakland - Bobby to Gayle
Dear Mouse, Well here I sit, lonesome, homesick and most of all wishing
you were here. I got over to the replacement station this morning. We
processed for about an hour, which including getting shots [I just got
one], getting some jungle fatigues and boots and getting a room at the
guest house, where I'll be for awhile. My room here is pretty nice.
I'm sharing it with a warrant officer. We have a bath we share with
2 other people. I guess I'll be here until Saturday. That means that
I will be here a couple of days with nothing to do but sit around
and think about how much I miss my Mouse.

Gayle, I'm scared to death. I don't know what's going to happen. I've
heard people talking who have just come back from Nam. I don't know
whether or not they are just trying to scare us or not. But anyway,
I am scared to death.

There's nothing to do but just sit around here and think about my
Mouse and how much I love her. ...And I really do. Gayle, like you
said in your letter, you will always be with me. Well, I'll always
be with you, 'cause all I've been able to do is sit around and
think about you.

I had a good cry this morning and I thought it was all out of my
system, but as I am writing this I am fighting back crying again.

I wish something would happen and they would want me back in the
States so I wouldn't have to leave you. Honestly honey, if the
whole year is going to be this lonesome I don't know how I can
stand it. I don't care about eating or doing anything if you
aren't here. I just have a big ol' empty feeling inside. I feel
like I'm going to throw up. I'm just miserable. Please try to
get me back early. I want to come back to you so badly. I love
you so much.

Well I guess I'd better close for now. Gayle, sweetheart, always
remember that I love you and always will. Take care of yourself
and Little Bit and Snuffy. I hope to see you soon. And I love
you very, very, very much. All my love always, Your Bobby xxxxx

October 6 1967 postmark- Gayle to Bobby
Mis-sent /reposted 10-11, 10-27, 10-28, 10-31
October 5th

Hi Angel "Wolpf!"
I just talked to you as I started writing this letter. Lord, honey,
this is a mess isn't it? I don't want you to go, but I feel once
you get there and settled you'll not worry so much. I wish these
fellas would quit telling you tales 'cause it doesn't mean anything,
yet it worries you. Please don't say things like that about loving
me always if something ever happened. It meant a lot to me for you
to say it, but it worries me too. You won't have so very much to
worry about once you know what you're doing over there. Just think
positively. You must come home to me because we've faced the best
of our lives together and we must face the best of our baby's life
together and other more permanent misfortunes than this. We will
always know and believe that we'll face life and problems together

no matter where we are. Just like when I'm here, sleeping in your
shirts or whatever I feel you there with me because you're that
big a part of me and vice-versa. I'm with you honey no matter what
you're doing. I've given you my heart and the part of my soul that
I can keep from God, or share with you and God- all my love, hopes,
dreams. My existence in fact. Because without you when you would
have all of that, what could be left? Of course you're as safe from
God's viewpoint, being there as here. We have no sure future- only
this very minute or second on this earth. There is only a guaranteed
heaven for us as one to share. This morning I woke and I thanked
God for this morning, our baby, each minute and you and our love
half a world apart doesn't separate. For as long as we have the hope
of a child, or the child, we have twice the reason to be reunited.
God's will be done. It's the only way.
I know you are scared, but you can see way. It's normal. But please
remember- 1. I love you and you will always have me. 2. You are
being prayed for each day by everyone 3. Trust God. Let Him hold
you in his hands. These are the only things for certain to be
truths- other than you love me in the same way forever and I know it.
Whenever things are down just go outside and look up. You'll see my
face full of love for you. Just above will be a pure, unspoiled
creation of God who loves you, or why in complete unhappiness
would there be a "small" miracle from God. Whether it's rain,
blue skies, clouds, a bird, etc. It offers peace or hope of a
time when you will feel nothing but happiness and delight.
You know I'm not going be worth a flit to anybody until you are
settled someplace and relieved that the situation there will be
nothing as bad as you expected.

I'm going to keep just as busy as I can. I think I'll sell
Tupperware- maybe. Sonja told me all about it tonight. You get
all sorts of things in you Tupperware kit, plus gifts like
electric clocks, etc. which I can give for gifts, or we can
use for Xmas gifts. It cost me nothing but one part that the
manager demonstrates. After then I can sell it anyplace I get
somebody to date a party. All I need to start is 5 parties-
promised- and people for the party I give. Of course the
kit will only belong to me when I sale $100 worth of Tupperware.
But Sonja said you can sell that much at 2 or 3 parties. I get
$35 from $100, or 35% commission all the time. Sonja makes
$15- 20 per party- just for showing it and drinking coffee.
In other words I can't lose any money. It would be time consuming.
Of course I could make more 'cause Sonja doesn't have as much
time to work on it as I do. What do you think?
Lord, I miss you. I just sort of float around- you know honey..
......'Till tomorrow,
Forever, all my love
Gayle [Mouse]

Today's thought: "One's destination is never a place, but a new
way of seeing things." Henry Miller

Today's Hint: Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the
toilet seat by using the sink.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.