Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

October 11TH & 12TH Postmarks Bobby to Gayle

11 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, Well I finally got assigned as you
can see by the stationary. We are at Qui Nhon. It is
on the coast. I can see the ocean from my room. It's
a rather small room. But I think I can get everything
into it. The only trouble with this company is it has
the security for the whole depot. People say this
area is more secure than Saigon. But still my job
kinda scares me. I have come in as a replacement
for the xo of the company who leaves the end of
the month. The company commander leaves at the
end of the month too. I think what I'm going to
do is to tell them I'm going to stay in the army
and I want some work in my field. This place is
a lot cooler than Long Binh. Today they got us
up at 3 in the morning and flew us to Cameroon
Bay, then to Na Trang and then up to Qui Nhon.
I can't believe we are right on the beach.
There is not much breeze here now and I'm sweating
like a pig. This country is really pretty
here- mountains and the coast.
Lord, Gayle darling, I love you so much. I wish
I could see you now. I'm so lonely. I had a
little bit of good news today. My rotation date
is Oct. 2, which means I have 358 more days in
this miserable place. This will be the only
letter from me today because this is the first
chance I have had to write to you. It doesn't
look like I'll be able to come home when our
baby comes. They just don't do things like that.
The only thing that I can do is to just pray
I will be able to make it. Gayle, I love you
so very, very much. I just can't wait until I
can come home and see you. I miss you so much.
This Qui Nhon is a pretty nice place. The
airport here is about 1/2 mile away. They also
have a place her where you can go and make
hort wave connections to the states, so I can
call you some time. I will the first chance
I get. We have our own club here in the company
area. It's real nice. Well, as nice as can be
expected. We sleep with mosquito nets over us.
There were5 cases of malaria in this company
in the last week. Lord, you get so dirty around
here. Viet Nam is a real pretty country but
the people are so dirty. Therefore the whole
country is dirty.
Well, I'd better get some sleep. I'll write
again tomorrow. Gayle darling, I love you so
much. More than anything. Please take care
of yourself, and Little Bit and Snuff. Tell
everybody I'll write when I get some rest
and have a little more time. Please remember
I love you very, very, very, much and more
than anything. All my love always, Your Bobby

11 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle

Wednesday night
Dear Sweet Mouse, Well I'm about ready to go
to bed. I just had my shower. Lord, it's hot
around here. If you take a shower, then you
are dirty again in about 30 minutes. We had
a movie here tonight. It was "Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof." There is a fair breeze coming in
here now. But it's still hot. Lord, you stay
scared here all the time.
I had this picture taken today. Aren't I good
looking? The building behind me is where
Lord I miss you so much. Gayle, darling I love
you so very much. Always will. This is going to
be the longest year. I'll send you a birthday
present at the end of the month as soon as I get
some money. There really isn't much for me to
Tell you about here. 'Cause so far it's been dull
here for me since I haven't done anything yet. But
like I say, I stay scared all the time.
I really wish I could get some mail. I know it
will be about 2 weeks. But I'm so lonesome for
you as I write this letter. I'm sitting here
looking at your picture. I love you so very,
very much darling. I'd give just about anything
to be able to come home. I love you so much.
Every now and then you can hear artillery off in
the distance. I wish you could tell me something
you want so I could get it for you. I would get
you something for your birthday now, but I'm
running real short on money. We have to pay for
our meals here. Isn't that ridiculous? But I
will send you something. But I will send you
something. I'm going to mail your card when I
mail this letter. I love you so much. I haven't
been able to eat much here. I just don't feel
like eating. What I can eat has been pretty good
so far.
We've had 4 cases of malaria in the company this
week. It's a type that the pills won't prevent.
There are so many short timers around here it's
not funny. It makes me feel real bad. We got a
new NCO in today so that mans I'm not the newest
one here now.
Well I'd better close for now. I'll write tomorrow.
I'll try to write every chance I get at least once
a day. I'll try to. Sometimes it might just be a
note. But I'm thinking of my sweet mouse all the
time. Remember I love you very, very much. More
than anything. So take care of yourself, little
bit and Snuff and remember I love you very, very
much. All my love always, Your Bobby

12 October 1967 pm Postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, I'm still here. The temperature
is about 95degrees. They say that is a cool day.
We are expecting the monsoon season to start
anytime now. It rained a little last night. It
had rained some before AI got here and there
is mud just about every place. This country
is so dirty you just wouldn't believe it.
Gayle, if you could would you send me some coat
hangers? Those are the things I need the most
now, except for seeing you. Lord I wish I could
get some mail. This coming up here really messed
Thing up.
I finished the roll of film today. I'll send you
some pictures as soon as I get them developed.
This had got to be the noisiest place here.
With the airport and we are right on a road.
I wish I could come home. I want to see you so
bad. I love you so very, very much. And miss
you so badly. This is really going to be a long
year. I love you. The company commander is on
R&R so I don't know what I'll be doing until
he gets back. He's due back tomorrow. He'll be
going back to the states in about 20 days and
then the other 1st Lt. goes back in about 45
days. So I'm feeling like I've been here about
an hour after talking to all the short timers
around here.
We have us a mama san. She is real good. She
gets here when we go to work and stays about
a half day. She cleans the place, washes our
clothes and polishes our boots. All this for
about 20 dollars a month. Gayle, please
don't worry about her 'cause I wouldn't ever
touch one of these over here. They are all
ugly as sin.
We have a movie here in the company area about
every night. Then of Dec. 8th we are having a
floor show here in the company. Well, I'd
better go. I'm going to write everybody while
I have the time. Gayle, sweetheart, remember
I love you very, very much....more than anything.
I'll write again tonight. All my love always,
Your Bobby


Thought today: Say what you feel, not what you
Hint today: Keep eggs in carton the came in
because if you handle one, you risk bacteria
seeping into the egg's more than 17,000 pores.
Processing plants coat them in mineral oil to
help block bacteria from entering these pores
before you get them.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.