Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Thursday, January 28, 2010

26- 27 October 1967 Misc Letters and Clippings

26 October postmark> Gayle to Bobby
Oct. 25 8:30
Dear Wolpf, Hi Angel! You wanted to know how long
it takes for me to get your letters. It takes around
3-4 days now that I get them regularly. In fact the
first letters took 3 days from when you mailed them.
It has taken a couple of them a week. I got your
present. It's so pretty sweetheart! It's the
prettiest bracelet I've ever seen! Honestly, I
love it. Thank you so very much. I wonder why
you haven't got all of my mail yet. You've gotten
about the 12th letter I wrote from how you made
mention of it.

I had to call Dr. Demos tonight. And before I go
any further it's nothing serious. If it was I
wouldn't be telling you, or the Red Cross would
be contacting you. I had these real bad back pains
and couldn't walk real well. Also, I called him
about this discharge that has turned yellow and
itches and burns now. He gave me a type vaginal
suppository and told me my back was probably strained
and told me to stay float on my back a couple of days
with a heating pad. So, I'm all fixed up and I'm fine.
I already feel better. That's the truth and I wouldn't
tell you if it was serious enough to worry. I love you
so angel. Don't worry but remember when you were here
he said it would probably be a difficult pregnancy due
to this scar tissue and my uterus size, so there's a
lot of reason to hop that you'll get home on his word
to the Red Cross alone. I hope so. It's more important
to have you here than to worry about giving you up a
second time. Oh, I love you so much.

I wish you could have seen Martha Raye. Maybe you will
get to see some of the shows. Darling, don't let these
people big you. [The ones who get under your skin.]
Just keep on doing your best and you won't have to
worry about anything. I do love you more than anything.
Honey, I'm going to sleep now- I'm pooped. All my love
forever, Your Mouse

26 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweet Mouse, You just wouldn't believe how much I
miss you. I would give about anything to be with you
right now. I love you so much. There's really no news
to tell since I slept just about all the time since I
write the last letter. I just like to get you about 2
letters in the mail every day. I sure hope I get some
mail today. It makes the days so much worse when you
don't get mail.

The sun is shining so brightly this afternoon and it's
gotten fairly warm. I don't guess it gets cold over here.
They say that they have 2 seasons hot and dry and hot
and wet.

Darling please ask Dr. Demos about getting me home when
our baby comes and let me know what he says. Everybody
over here has less time to do than I do. But last night
I ran into a man that got in country Sunday. That really
makes you feel good when you see somebody with more time
to do than you yourself.

Well, I'd better get up and get ready and look for
something to do. Sweetheart, I love you very, very
much. .....more than anything. Please take care of
yourself and Little Bit and I love you. All my love
always, Your Bobby

26 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, It's about 2 in the morning here now.
It's been raining almost all night. It's not raining
now though. It's also been real cool tonight.

How have you been? ...Fine I hope. I'm been doing
alright I guess. Just missing you and loving you
more each day. I would give just about anything to
see you now. I miss you so much. I'm really getting
made. The mail is the reason. They say a lot of
times it gets lost or delayed in route. I know you
are writing everyday but I'm getting letters about
every other day. You just can't realize how lonely
a day can be without a letter from you loved one.
I don't know if you are getting a letter every day
but I am writing you twice a day if it's at all
possible which it has been so far except for 1 day.
This is a pretty good job I have. There's not much
to do, but at least I do have a safe job and I'm
finally just about settled. But do I ever want to
come back to you. I really don't have the time to
enjoy myself, because working at night and sleeping
during the day doesn't leave much time. I get to
watch a movie every afternoon and write you a letter
when I can, which is generally right after I get
up. And I shower and shave and try to eat supper
and then it's time to go to work again. It sure
does get boring, but it's a good job and I can't
really co9mplain.

I love you so much darling. It just keeps growing
and growing. I just can't wait to see you again.
Everything I see or do reminds me of you. I miss
and love you so very much. I'm enclosing this
cartoon. I got a kick out of it and I hope you
do to. It's about the way Johnson is.

We got a new company commander. He's a 1st Lt.
about to make captain. He went to the same
school that Pete Thompson went to. He seems like
a real fine man. He's real easy going. Tonight
as I was out at a gasoline dump I had some c
rations. They were good for a change. Well, at
least I don't have to pay for them as I would
if I had eaten in a mess hall. If you need
any money please let me know and I will send
you some. But please don't borrow any more.
Just let me know. I'm going to tear up the
check you sent, even though I haven't gotten
it yet.

Please darling when you see Dr. Demos again
talk to him about getting me home when our
baby is born. I just don't think I could
stand being over here when it's born. It's
bad enough over here now. I love you so very,
very much.

I'm expecting my promotion any day now. I
sure wish it would come down. We need the
money. It will be pretty good with this
pay raise being voted in and everything. I
think if you need me to I can increase your
allotment about 30 or 40 more dollars. But
first let me see how much I'm going to make
over here at the end of the month, and then we
can go from there. I'm not really sure what it
cost me to live here, but I figure it's about
50 or 60 dollars a month.

You can hear artillery off in the distance all
night long. They say it's a Pleiker [?] but it
sounds a lot closer than that. I think it's near
Phu Cat, which is about 10 or 12 miles away. I
hope that's as close as I am going to come to it.
This has to be the worst place ever. Everybody
talks about going back to the states as going back
to the world. I'm beginning to believe them. I wish
you would send me some hints about what you want for
Christmas. I don't think I'm going to send anybody
else a present except you and let you get presents
for everybody. What do you think about that?

I guess if a person could get close to hell- Viet
Nam is it. This has got to be the worse place in
the world. Qui Nhon is pretty nice, well, as nice
as can be expected for a country like this. I don't
know though. China is probably worse. The way it is
here in Qui Nhon you don't know there's a war going
on except for the living conditions and the few
artillery bursts you hear off in the distance

Well, sweetheart, I'd better try to get some sleep
now. I'll write when I wake up this afternoon
Remember I love you very, very much.....more than
anything. Please let me know what Dr. Demos says
and please take care of yourself and Little Bit
and I love you. All my love always, Your Bobby

27 October 1967 Postmark> Gayle to Bobby

October 26
Dear Angel, Gosh, I wish I knew what has happened
to all of the letters I've written you. Well,
at least you're getting mail. I've stayed on my
back today like Dr. D. said. Mom brought breakfast
and lunch and your mom brought dinner to me. I
feel a lot better. I wish Brenda would go tonight.
Say, sweetheart, I told Elaine I'd call her and
its 9:00. I've forgotten. Wait a bit. ......
...She wasn't home. Oh, I love you so much and
I too hope you'll get home when "Rick" comes,
but WITHOUT political pull. Don't worry about
my backache, etc. I swear on our marriage it's
nothing serious. It feels like a bad catch or

I'm enclosing Janice and Howie's birth announcement
and a cartoon and a clipping. {You know some of
them] This Tupperware is more than I bargained for.
I'm just going to sell it long enough o get the kit
and make a little money. Next week I'm working for
Marion. It'll be fun and fifty dollars extra though.
Gosh, I'm "keeping the home fires burning" but it
is going to take more money to pay for them. I
love you and miss you so much. I get badly
depressed sometimes, worrying about you and
missing you. I ache all over for you- all the
time! Snuffy just licks your pictures every time
he sees them. Honey, I'm going to sleep. I love
you so very much- more than anything. All my
love, Forever Your Gayle

27 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Have I ever been busy tonight.
First of all they had an officer get together
at the officers club for all of us in the 98th BN.
that lasted for about an hour and a half. Then I
had to check the guards. Then
when I went out to check the guards the second
time we were at a gasoline dump that is in the
depot. Well there were 2 shots fired about 500
or 600 yards away and the guard nearest them
got scared and started shooting. The 2 shots
were not even coming our way. We came to find
out that the guard got in Vietnam Monday and
he was scared to death when we talked to him.
Then when we got back to the office we got a
report of some black marketing going on. Then
we went to investigate it and found nothing.
Right now it's about 2 a.m.

I just don't understand the mail over here. I
haven't gotten a letter in 2 days now. I sure
wish I could get some. I don't know if something's
happened at home and you haven't had time to write
or if I've made you mad or probably the mail just
got delayed or lost someplace. Have I ever got
a headache. I've had it all night long. I've
taken two of those pain pills and they have
helped a little bit . I think it's caused by
lack of sleep. I'm getting to where I can't
sleep during the day real good. You stay so
dirty over here. You have little black beads
all over you and I'm taking shower every day.
At least I have clean clothes, shoes, socks
and underwear to put on every day, so ZI can't
really complain.
They say when you go to Saigon on R&R, everything
looks so clean even though it's not really that
clean. I imagine when I get home I'll probably
flush the toilet for an hour or just be amazed at
how clean it is. You'll probably thing it's funny,
but you just can't realize how much you miss a
flush toilet. You just sort of exist over here.
I just can't wait until I can get home. I sure
hope I can make it when Little Bit comes. If I can,
I don't much think that I will have to come back.
You know sometimes I just sit around and think
about home. I get so depressed when I think about
how far away it is and how it's so hard to get
there. I sure hope it will be soon when I can come
home. I miss you so much. I love you so very much,

You seem to stay tired over here all the time.
Everybody moves so slowly. Nobody seems to be
in a big hurry. The only hurry I'm in is to get
home, but the time just drags by. Each day seems
like a week. What do you want to do? Meet me on
R & R, or meet me in Seattle and then go on a
vacation someplace? I would love to do both if
we had the money, but I don't think we will have
the money. If we can get the money we will do
both, 'cause I just can't wait to see you.

Did you know when I'm pay officer I'll have to go
to Saigon? I'll stop there 3 or 4 days and I'll be
making $26 a day TDY there. Won't that be good.
The reason I'll go there when I'[m pay officer
is because we have some people in jail there. If
I do that very much I can really make some money.
I sure wish I could run into Maj. Glasgow over
here. It sure would be nice to see somebody from
home. But, I'm afraid he's about 300 miles south
of me in Mekong Delta. I kind of doubt I'll see
him over here.

You just can't believe the dirt and the smell of
this country. You pass by a bunch of people and
their smell is terrible. There is no sanitation
among them. They just use the street for a bathroom.
It's nothing to drive down the street and see
somebody taking a leak or dumping. The smell is
terrible. The people who work in the company area
and eat our food look so much healthier than the
people who don't' work in the depot. I should be
getting the pictures I took in the next day or so.
I'll send you some of them. They are mostly pictures
of the landscape around here. I don't ;have any
pictures of the people or myself. The landscape is
real pretty but the people ruin the country. It hasn't
rained yet today, but every day it looks as though
it's going to pour all night long. Then it just clears
up about 9 o'clock at night. It sure is gloomy here
when it's raining. It just makes you wish you were
home that much more. This country is terrible.

Well, I'd better try to get some sleep now. I'll
write again this afternoon. Remember darling that
I love you very, very much..........more than
anything. Please take care of yourself and Little
Bit and I love you. All my love, Always Your Bobby
P.S. Wolpf loves Mouse very much1

Thought today: Some people never make a mistake,
nor do they ever make anything else.

Hint today: Adding a drop or two of olive oil in
your pet's food will almost completely eliminate

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.