Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Sunday, January 10, 2010


October 8-1967 postmark- Reposted February 15 1968 Gayle
to Bobby
October 7
My Dearest Angel, I just talked with you. I do hope you
call at 2:00. I'll just lie in bed, as if to go to sleep,
but if I do go to sleep I'll hear it. I'm going to watch
the late show till then I suppose. Do you have enough money?
I've been worried about you on that too. You are the sweetest
dearest husband, my Wolpf. I just cry and cry when I think
of my having been mean to you in the past. I don't know how
I could be ugly to you 'cause you're too good and I do love
you so very much. But I know this- I'll never take you for
granted again- not ever, even if you are close to me as
possible. It's strange, but I just feel you around here.
It seems like you've just gone out for a while. That's
why I haven't been eating. Because to cook for myself
I realize I'm not cooking for you. I don't see how any
other two people now, ever, or ever shall be, could love
one another as we love each other. Honey, when you get
promoted take your camera and get some buddy to take a
picture of my Wolpf. Honey, I'm so tired. I'll finish
this in the morning.

Good morning sweetheart! It's really good afternoon now.
It's noon. I got up at 11:00; fixed 3 homemade biscuits
that mom made and froze. My bath water is sitting in there.
I'm putting off taking it; 'cause that's one time you are
nearly always with me. Especially lately. I sit and eat
and cry in my food. It's awful. Only you can imagine how
empty and lonely 4 rooms can be without you. I'm so glad
you were able to call sweetheart. I will see you soon.
I know I will. Even these long months will have seemed
to go fast when you get home.

You remember the song "Climb every mountain?" In the lyrics
it says, "Climb every mountain- till you find your dream. A
dream that will need all the love you can give, every day
of your life for as long as you live." Well I found and
have that dream in you. You will have my love and I will
have that dream for as long as I live. Nothing can change
true and genuine love. It is our gift from God.

Angel, I'll write later on when I get through with all I
have to do now. I love you so, forever,
All love, Your Mouse

8 Oct 1967 PM postmark Oakland- Bobby to Gayle

Saturday night
Dear Sweetheart, Well it's just about time to go. I'm going
to take a shower in a few minutes and then call you. This
will be the last letter I will write you from Oakland.
I'll write to you again on the plane. I'll write everybody
on the plane. We leave here about 9:30 tonight to Travis
Air Force Base. Then leave there at 12. I'm going to call
you at about 8:30 or 9 and then go get on the bus. I don't
know if I will get a chance to call you from Travis. We
are supposed to land in Nam the 9th at about 1pm. I'm going
to mail this after I call.

Gayle, I love you so much. Always will. I am just hoping
and praying I will be home soon and we can be together
again. You're the whole word to me. I don't know how I'm
going to take this year without you. But if I don't get
back, just remember I love you so very, very much- more
than anything. Right now I'm finding it hard to say
anything except I love you so much and I am going to
miss you more as each day passes. Sweetheart, I'm sorry
for all the times I have made you unhappy. I just wish
that all the time I could have made you the happiest
Mouse in the whole world, instead of being the bastard
I've been.

Well there's not much more I can say sweetheart, except
I love you so very much and I will be thinking of you
all the time. So please take care of yourself and Little
Bit and Snuffy. I hope to see you real soon.
All my love always, Bobby

10-08-1967 PM Postmark Oakland- Bobby to Gayle
"To the most wonderful wife anybody could have" on
outside of paper fold
Wolpf love Mouse" - On the inside of the folded
paper-in big bold letters

10-08-1967 PM Postmark- Honolulu- Bobby to Gayle

On the Plane
Dear Sweetheart,
Well, we finally took off. It was the strangest
feeling in the world when we left. I started this
letter right after we got out over the ocean.
We stop at Honolulu and at the Philippines.
I'll mail this from Honolulu.

The stewardesses on this flight are so nice.
They seem to go out of their way to make us
comfortable. However,this is the noisiest plane.
It's worse than the Delta I flew before.

Gayle, I love you so very much. This next year is
going to be hard but like you said, if we both stay
busy it will go by fast. I'm kinda glad I have finally
left. Because now the days start going down to when
I can come home. Thatwill be the greatest day.

I have not yet looked into your envelope, but as soon
as I finish this letter I will. I'm so glad I got to
call you before I left. I hope I didn't wake you up.

As I sit here looking around I just wonder who won't be
coming back. It's the strangest feeling being on this
plane and leaving the U.S. Well, I guess I'd better
start being alert and being careful. Lord, I sure do miss
the Mouse. I love you so much darling. I wish I was home
today. But that day will soon come. Then we will be happy
together again.

Well, I'm anxious to look into the envelope. Gayle,
remember I love you very, very much. More than anything.
Take care of yourself, Little Bit and Snuff. All my love
always, Your Bobby
178 C5 Co. Maintenance Spt Div. APO SF 96294

Postcard 10-08 Pm postmark Honolulu See card at right>
Dear Sweetheart,

October 9, 1967 BLACKOUT DAY- NO letters found

Thought Today: Everybody seems normal until you get to
know them.
Hint today: If you break a cork into the wine bottle
use a coffee filter to sift out the fine cork remnants
while decanting the wine.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.