Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Thursday, January 28, 2010

26- 27 October 1967 Misc Letters and Clippings

26 October postmark> Gayle to Bobby
Oct. 25 8:30
Dear Wolpf, Hi Angel! You wanted to know how long
it takes for me to get your letters. It takes around
3-4 days now that I get them regularly. In fact the
first letters took 3 days from when you mailed them.
It has taken a couple of them a week. I got your
present. It's so pretty sweetheart! It's the
prettiest bracelet I've ever seen! Honestly, I
love it. Thank you so very much. I wonder why
you haven't got all of my mail yet. You've gotten
about the 12th letter I wrote from how you made
mention of it.

I had to call Dr. Demos tonight. And before I go
any further it's nothing serious. If it was I
wouldn't be telling you, or the Red Cross would
be contacting you. I had these real bad back pains
and couldn't walk real well. Also, I called him
about this discharge that has turned yellow and
itches and burns now. He gave me a type vaginal
suppository and told me my back was probably strained
and told me to stay float on my back a couple of days
with a heating pad. So, I'm all fixed up and I'm fine.
I already feel better. That's the truth and I wouldn't
tell you if it was serious enough to worry. I love you
so angel. Don't worry but remember when you were here
he said it would probably be a difficult pregnancy due
to this scar tissue and my uterus size, so there's a
lot of reason to hop that you'll get home on his word
to the Red Cross alone. I hope so. It's more important
to have you here than to worry about giving you up a
second time. Oh, I love you so much.

I wish you could have seen Martha Raye. Maybe you will
get to see some of the shows. Darling, don't let these
people big you. [The ones who get under your skin.]
Just keep on doing your best and you won't have to
worry about anything. I do love you more than anything.
Honey, I'm going to sleep now- I'm pooped. All my love
forever, Your Mouse

26 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweet Mouse, You just wouldn't believe how much I
miss you. I would give about anything to be with you
right now. I love you so much. There's really no news
to tell since I slept just about all the time since I
write the last letter. I just like to get you about 2
letters in the mail every day. I sure hope I get some
mail today. It makes the days so much worse when you
don't get mail.

The sun is shining so brightly this afternoon and it's
gotten fairly warm. I don't guess it gets cold over here.
They say that they have 2 seasons hot and dry and hot
and wet.

Darling please ask Dr. Demos about getting me home when
our baby comes and let me know what he says. Everybody
over here has less time to do than I do. But last night
I ran into a man that got in country Sunday. That really
makes you feel good when you see somebody with more time
to do than you yourself.

Well, I'd better get up and get ready and look for
something to do. Sweetheart, I love you very, very
much. .....more than anything. Please take care of
yourself and Little Bit and I love you. All my love
always, Your Bobby

26 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, It's about 2 in the morning here now.
It's been raining almost all night. It's not raining
now though. It's also been real cool tonight.

How have you been? ...Fine I hope. I'm been doing
alright I guess. Just missing you and loving you
more each day. I would give just about anything to
see you now. I miss you so much. I'm really getting
made. The mail is the reason. They say a lot of
times it gets lost or delayed in route. I know you
are writing everyday but I'm getting letters about
every other day. You just can't realize how lonely
a day can be without a letter from you loved one.
I don't know if you are getting a letter every day
but I am writing you twice a day if it's at all
possible which it has been so far except for 1 day.
This is a pretty good job I have. There's not much
to do, but at least I do have a safe job and I'm
finally just about settled. But do I ever want to
come back to you. I really don't have the time to
enjoy myself, because working at night and sleeping
during the day doesn't leave much time. I get to
watch a movie every afternoon and write you a letter
when I can, which is generally right after I get
up. And I shower and shave and try to eat supper
and then it's time to go to work again. It sure
does get boring, but it's a good job and I can't
really co9mplain.

I love you so much darling. It just keeps growing
and growing. I just can't wait to see you again.
Everything I see or do reminds me of you. I miss
and love you so very much. I'm enclosing this
cartoon. I got a kick out of it and I hope you
do to. It's about the way Johnson is.

We got a new company commander. He's a 1st Lt.
about to make captain. He went to the same
school that Pete Thompson went to. He seems like
a real fine man. He's real easy going. Tonight
as I was out at a gasoline dump I had some c
rations. They were good for a change. Well, at
least I don't have to pay for them as I would
if I had eaten in a mess hall. If you need
any money please let me know and I will send
you some. But please don't borrow any more.
Just let me know. I'm going to tear up the
check you sent, even though I haven't gotten
it yet.

Please darling when you see Dr. Demos again
talk to him about getting me home when our
baby is born. I just don't think I could
stand being over here when it's born. It's
bad enough over here now. I love you so very,
very much.

I'm expecting my promotion any day now. I
sure wish it would come down. We need the
money. It will be pretty good with this
pay raise being voted in and everything. I
think if you need me to I can increase your
allotment about 30 or 40 more dollars. But
first let me see how much I'm going to make
over here at the end of the month, and then we
can go from there. I'm not really sure what it
cost me to live here, but I figure it's about
50 or 60 dollars a month.

You can hear artillery off in the distance all
night long. They say it's a Pleiker [?] but it
sounds a lot closer than that. I think it's near
Phu Cat, which is about 10 or 12 miles away. I
hope that's as close as I am going to come to it.
This has to be the worst place ever. Everybody
talks about going back to the states as going back
to the world. I'm beginning to believe them. I wish
you would send me some hints about what you want for
Christmas. I don't think I'm going to send anybody
else a present except you and let you get presents
for everybody. What do you think about that?

I guess if a person could get close to hell- Viet
Nam is it. This has got to be the worse place in
the world. Qui Nhon is pretty nice, well, as nice
as can be expected for a country like this. I don't
know though. China is probably worse. The way it is
here in Qui Nhon you don't know there's a war going
on except for the living conditions and the few
artillery bursts you hear off in the distance

Well, sweetheart, I'd better try to get some sleep
now. I'll write when I wake up this afternoon
Remember I love you very, very much.....more than
anything. Please let me know what Dr. Demos says
and please take care of yourself and Little Bit
and I love you. All my love always, Your Bobby

27 October 1967 Postmark> Gayle to Bobby

October 26
Dear Angel, Gosh, I wish I knew what has happened
to all of the letters I've written you. Well,
at least you're getting mail. I've stayed on my
back today like Dr. D. said. Mom brought breakfast
and lunch and your mom brought dinner to me. I
feel a lot better. I wish Brenda would go tonight.
Say, sweetheart, I told Elaine I'd call her and
its 9:00. I've forgotten. Wait a bit. ......
...She wasn't home. Oh, I love you so much and
I too hope you'll get home when "Rick" comes,
but WITHOUT political pull. Don't worry about
my backache, etc. I swear on our marriage it's
nothing serious. It feels like a bad catch or

I'm enclosing Janice and Howie's birth announcement
and a cartoon and a clipping. {You know some of
them] This Tupperware is more than I bargained for.
I'm just going to sell it long enough o get the kit
and make a little money. Next week I'm working for
Marion. It'll be fun and fifty dollars extra though.
Gosh, I'm "keeping the home fires burning" but it
is going to take more money to pay for them. I
love you and miss you so much. I get badly
depressed sometimes, worrying about you and
missing you. I ache all over for you- all the
time! Snuffy just licks your pictures every time
he sees them. Honey, I'm going to sleep. I love
you so very much- more than anything. All my
love, Forever Your Gayle

27 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Have I ever been busy tonight.
First of all they had an officer get together
at the officers club for all of us in the 98th BN.
that lasted for about an hour and a half. Then I
had to check the guards. Then
when I went out to check the guards the second
time we were at a gasoline dump that is in the
depot. Well there were 2 shots fired about 500
or 600 yards away and the guard nearest them
got scared and started shooting. The 2 shots
were not even coming our way. We came to find
out that the guard got in Vietnam Monday and
he was scared to death when we talked to him.
Then when we got back to the office we got a
report of some black marketing going on. Then
we went to investigate it and found nothing.
Right now it's about 2 a.m.

I just don't understand the mail over here. I
haven't gotten a letter in 2 days now. I sure
wish I could get some. I don't know if something's
happened at home and you haven't had time to write
or if I've made you mad or probably the mail just
got delayed or lost someplace. Have I ever got
a headache. I've had it all night long. I've
taken two of those pain pills and they have
helped a little bit . I think it's caused by
lack of sleep. I'm getting to where I can't
sleep during the day real good. You stay so
dirty over here. You have little black beads
all over you and I'm taking shower every day.
At least I have clean clothes, shoes, socks
and underwear to put on every day, so ZI can't
really complain.
They say when you go to Saigon on R&R, everything
looks so clean even though it's not really that
clean. I imagine when I get home I'll probably
flush the toilet for an hour or just be amazed at
how clean it is. You'll probably thing it's funny,
but you just can't realize how much you miss a
flush toilet. You just sort of exist over here.
I just can't wait until I can get home. I sure
hope I can make it when Little Bit comes. If I can,
I don't much think that I will have to come back.
You know sometimes I just sit around and think
about home. I get so depressed when I think about
how far away it is and how it's so hard to get
there. I sure hope it will be soon when I can come
home. I miss you so much. I love you so very much,

You seem to stay tired over here all the time.
Everybody moves so slowly. Nobody seems to be
in a big hurry. The only hurry I'm in is to get
home, but the time just drags by. Each day seems
like a week. What do you want to do? Meet me on
R & R, or meet me in Seattle and then go on a
vacation someplace? I would love to do both if
we had the money, but I don't think we will have
the money. If we can get the money we will do
both, 'cause I just can't wait to see you.

Did you know when I'm pay officer I'll have to go
to Saigon? I'll stop there 3 or 4 days and I'll be
making $26 a day TDY there. Won't that be good.
The reason I'll go there when I'[m pay officer
is because we have some people in jail there. If
I do that very much I can really make some money.
I sure wish I could run into Maj. Glasgow over
here. It sure would be nice to see somebody from
home. But, I'm afraid he's about 300 miles south
of me in Mekong Delta. I kind of doubt I'll see
him over here.

You just can't believe the dirt and the smell of
this country. You pass by a bunch of people and
their smell is terrible. There is no sanitation
among them. They just use the street for a bathroom.
It's nothing to drive down the street and see
somebody taking a leak or dumping. The smell is
terrible. The people who work in the company area
and eat our food look so much healthier than the
people who don't' work in the depot. I should be
getting the pictures I took in the next day or so.
I'll send you some of them. They are mostly pictures
of the landscape around here. I don't ;have any
pictures of the people or myself. The landscape is
real pretty but the people ruin the country. It hasn't
rained yet today, but every day it looks as though
it's going to pour all night long. Then it just clears
up about 9 o'clock at night. It sure is gloomy here
when it's raining. It just makes you wish you were
home that much more. This country is terrible.

Well, I'd better try to get some sleep now. I'll
write again this afternoon. Remember darling that
I love you very, very much..........more than
anything. Please take care of yourself and Little
Bit and I love you. All my love, Always Your Bobby
P.S. Wolpf loves Mouse very much1

Thought today: Some people never make a mistake,
nor do they ever make anything else.

Hint today: Adding a drop or two of olive oil in
your pet's food will almost completely eliminate

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

25-26 October Misc. Letters

24 October postmark> Gayle's parents to Bobby
Mon.23 Oct.'67
Dear Bob, Well son, I'm on my school traffic at
Brainerd H.S. on N. Moore Rd. and was thinking
of you. I just hope to God that you are getting
used to being gone or away from home by now.
It really is hard just being away. I know this:
the 1st year across the "pond" is the hardest.
Ha. What if you had to stay as long as I did?
I'm hoping you don't have to stay that long.
3 years and a few months- not counting before
the war. Don't you get tired hearing this crap?
Ha. I just wanted you to know all of us from
World War II had it pretty bad also. The only
thing I was not married and did not have a child
on the way. It gripes by tail that good young men
like you and many more are over there and these
long-haired punks are causing all this trouble
over here in the states. Gosh, what I'd like to
do to them. Ha. Some tails would really burn.

Ha Well, Bob I hope you are in good health and
I wanted you to know we all miss you. Gayle is
o.k. I know she does miss you very much. Write
soon. Sincerely, your old father-in-law
[not out-lawed] "Moose"
In same envelope from Gayle's mom to Bobby
October 23 1967
Hello Bob, Guess what? I just came from your
house. Your mother and I have been painting
the nursery furniture and we hope to finish
it tonight. I have to fix supper now. Guess
who is buying the yellow ford from your dad?
We are. I think Bob's olds is getting too much
age on it. Gayle said you like that care so I
guess before we know it Randy will like it.
You know, in four years he will be driving.

I better get on with my dinner so I'll write
a note later this week. Love, Mama Susie

24 October 1967 postmark >Bobby to Gayle
Tuesday October 24
Dear Mouse, How are you? I'm pretty good,
though tired as can be. I hope you are
feeling alright. Got a letter from you
today. It sure is good to hear from the
only one in my life. I'm so glad you and
Sonja and Brenda are getting along so
good. It's good to have friends that have
the same thing in common with you. You
have a lot of other friends but they just
don't have the same thing in common or can't
realize how you feel like they can.

I've talked to several people who met their
wives in Hawaii. They say it costs approximately
$650. I think I can save that much. But I don't
know what to do. Doyou have any ideas? If you
don't think we can do it. I definitely do want
you to meet me in Seattle. I can send you the
money. You can get a youth card to fly to
California and they have a special rate for
wives meeting their husbands in Hawaii on R&R.
If I can't meet you there I don't think I will
take one because I just can't have any fun
without you with me to enjoy it. I miss you so
very, very much darling. I just don't know how
I am living here without you. I sure hope I can
get home when our baby comes. I'm sure I can
if Dr. Demos says I'm needed. Please talk to him
about it.

Sweetheart, I think there has been a change in
me already. I don't know if it's for better or
worse. I'm going out of my mind over here. I
sure hope I don't change a lot. I know when I
get back we will be happier than we have ever
been; I know I won't be as selfish and the
bastard I have been in the past.

I just can't wait for the mail to come every
day. I just can't wait to get your letters.
It's such a letdown when I don't get one. So
far I have gotten the one you wrote on the
16th and the 18th, but not the one on the
17th. I'm sure you wrote me then though.
Probably the mail got messed up. I wish you
would try to write me at least twice a day
so if one gets lost the other might get through.
I would love to get a letter from you every
day. I know if I can find time to write 2 you
can. Well, enough bitching for this letter.

Darling I do love you very, very much. I just
hope I can do a job over here to make you proud
of me. That's all I want to do. If I can do that
I'll be happy. If the last few letters have
seemed bitchy I didn't mean for them to. I
haven't been feeling real well and I'm scared
all the time and about a nervous wreck. I
guess once I get adjusted I'll be alright.
But sweetheart, please don't forget I do
love you and my life is unbearable without

I hope your daddy gets to feeling alright.
I don't think there is anything to worry
about. I think it's funny he is buying the
yellow car. Our parents might get together
one of these days. I sure hope they do.
I'm going to try to call you next month.
I'll send you the exact date when I get it.
You will have to stay home all day because
I don't know when the time will be because of
the time difference and when the short wave
radio can get through. But you'll know the date
when I can arrange it. I would love to hear your
voice right now. Better I would love to see you
and hug and kiss you. Of just even hear you fuss
at me. I miss you so very much.

I want to try to get some sleep now. I got about
4 hours in the last 36 hours. I'll write when I
wake up. Probably this afternoon. Darling I love
you very, very much. ....more than anything. I
really do! I just can't wait until we can be
together again. Please take care of yourself and
Little Bit. I love and miss you so very much.
All my love always, Your Bobby [the Wolpf}

24 October 1967 postmark >Bobby to Gayle
Dear Darling, I just woke up. .....just a note
before I get dressed. Darling, I love you so much.
I really do. It's going to be so good when we
are together again. I hope when I get back we
want ever have to be separated again. This being
over here is hard on both of us. There is nobody
here I can sit down and talk to and I need that
more than anything now. ........just somebody to
talk to. It would make me feel a lot better.
More than that, I would really love to come home.
I guess the only way I can come home is to have
Dr. D. say you need me, or to get shot in the
leg or something like that. I want to come home
so bad.

It was raining here this morning. But now it
cleared up. I have to get some clean sheets for
my bed now. Since I sleep during the day I have
to make my own bed. I haven't eaten anything in
about 24 hours now. I just don't have an appetite.
I guess that I'll get out of that someday. I miss
you so much darling. I've got to shower and shave
now. I'll write again tonight. Remember darling
I love you very, very much. ......more than
anything. Take care of yourself and Little
Bit. ...and I love you. All my love always,
Your Bobby

25 October 1967 postmark> Gayle to Bobby

October 24
Dearest Angel, How are you today? Lord, I'm getting
depressed worryi8ng about your mail. You'll get it
all in a bunch probably. I just wish there was some
way you could get my messages as I sit writing them.
While I'm thinking about it...Brenda hasn't had her
baby. She'll probably go tonight 'cause we have 3/4"
size hail and 70 - 80 m.p.h winds- storm warnings,
and she'll feel like going in the middle of it. I
went to a coffee tonight at Marian Helinskys house.
She's one of the Viet Nam wives. Bonnie Glasgow was
there. Here's the address by the way:
Major William L. Glascow 088074 Aov-Tm#63, APO 96296,
San Francisco
Anyway, I may have to stop writing must anytime the
ights just went off for a second but it'[s till
lightening and raining, etc. In fact, I may go to
sleep 'cause I'm scared sort of- Snuffy's not scared.

I'm glad you finally got some sleep. Just try to eat
and always remember that when you don't get mail that
I'm thinking about you. ....constantly.

I have this discharge so bad now. It's turned yellow
since last Friday when I saw Dr. Demos. I may have
some stupid infection. I guess I'd better call him.
It itches and burns & my back hurts. I guess I'll
wait 'til in the morning but I* only have $4 to my
name [in the bank] and I have to get the cookies for
my Tupperware party and couldn't afford a prescription.
Also Marion wants me to work for a couple of weeks
starting next weeks and funny thing! I can't afford
to go and make the money 'cause won't have gas money
or money for parking. That I can work out- 'cause
I'll borrow $5 or so 'til I get paid by Marion. I
just pray to God that the allotment isn't late. If
it is I won't know what to do. [Sell Snuffy, my
guitar and our old clothes] I'm crazy - 'cause you
know things always work out, don't they? At least I
have stamps to write for a while. I love you so my
Wolpf. I've been looking at sexy gowns and pajamas
for when you come home so I'll have ideas anyway-
and honey PLEASE, PLEASE let's be alone the first
week, just you, me and Rick!

I pray every day that Rick's alright, you'll be
all right and I'll be all right when you come
home. I've just put you into His hands.......that's
all I can do. Tonight at Marian's coffee, we
read a thing on "what is a service wife." I cried.
I'm going to copy it and send it to you later.
It's terrific and you know I've learned it is
your duty to be there- isn't' it? Say, do you
remember some mess in the ROTC dept that Major
Glascow got a congressional over? About a boy
named Fuller? If so what was it about? Bonnie
was talking about it. She said he got another
just after he signed out at U.C. Bless his heart.
She's so sweet. Tell me, does this sound funny?
This girl at the coffee tonight has a 2 month old
baby and her husband has been gone a year and is
due next week. Does it sound like she carried it
10 months to you? Or something else? I think
it's funny.

Lord, I love you. Oh honey, I wish you'd get my
mail for you- I'm going to sleep. Take care. All
my love- Forever, Your Mouse.

25 October 1967 Postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, It's about 1 am now and I'm in for
the night. Today [Tuesday] I got 3 letters from you.
Two of the ones you sent to the 178th caught up
with me. In one of the ones you were talking about
your financial troubles. If it's bad enough and
you can't handle it they will bring me home, but
did you count in the $70 I took out to come over
here? Gayle please don't start borrowing a lot
of money because that just gets us in deeper.
But if you need me they will bring me home
because of financial trouble. The check you
mentioned, well, I haven't gotten it yet and
when I do get it I'll just tear it up so you
can have that money back. But if you do need
some money I'll send you a money order.

You asked about me going up on the mountain
and if I had a weapon? Well you don't leave
the depot around here without a weapon. Anyway
this is just about the most secure area around
Viet Nam. Cameroun bay is the only place that
is more secure. They had a man killed here last
May. And one got wounded here last week. A
sniper shot at his vehicle and the glass cut
his face. That's all that has happened here
in the last year. Anyway the Viet Cong are
getting all the things they want out of here
and they would be crazy to hit the depot.
The rats are bad around her. I haven't seen
any in my room but I have seen some. I got a
letter that caught up with me today also from
mother. Has she been alright? I she has any
trouble please let me know. I just can't wait
for mail call every day. I just love to hear
from my mouse. I love you so much.

I'm expecting my promotion any day now. It's
just whenever they get a fancy to do it. The
depot commander is really a bastard. He thinks
that he holds everybody in the palm of his hand.
There are so many people around here that don't
have anything to do except harass you. Like
tonight this major came in here raising hell
about people speeding in the depot. Well we
don't have a thing to do with that. So I told
him I would call the MP's and see what they
can do. Isn't that silly? ...In a war zone to
worry about people speeding?

Please honey, talk to Dr. Demos and get him
to say I'm needed when our baby is born. I
know they will get me home and if you can do
that I don't think they will make me come
back over here. Wouldn't that be great?

If it's making you worry a lot about me over
here and it causes you trouble I could get a
compassionate reassignment. The same holds
true for anybody in our family. But please
get me home when Little Bit comes. I love
you so very, very much sweetheart.

Well, I'd better get some sleep now. I'll
write more when I get up this afternoon.
Remember sweetheart I love you very, very
much. .......more than anything and I miss
you very much. Take care of yourself and
Little Bit and I love you. All My love Always,
Your Bobby

25 October 1967 Postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Dear Mouse, I just woke up. I slept so good.
It's real cool today. The mail that went out
from here Tuesday morning was stolen. That
is the mail that left from depot headquarters.
I don't know if the letter I wrote you went
out then was stolen or not, because I don't
know if the mail mailed out of the company
goes through HQ's or from the company to the

Darling, I love you so very, very much and I
miss you very, very much. I ache all over
from missing you. Please get me home when our
baby is born. I just can't seem to adjust over
here. Every day seems like an eternity. I've
eating less than 1 meal a day. I'm not ever
hungry. I just don't know what's happening to
me. I want to come home so bad. You know they
say the morale is high over here. At least
that's what I heard when I was in the states.
Well, I've seen no high morale since I've been
here. Nobody really seems to care about if.

Have you heard from Glee and Don? I wonder
when he is coming over here. I think I'm going
to subscribe to Playboy. Because in the PX the
October edition just got here.

Well, I've got a lot to do today and I'd better
get started. Sweetheart I love you very, very
much.......more than anything. Take care of
yourself and Little Bit and I love you. All my
Love Always, Your Bobby

Thought today: It is better to have a little
ability and use it well than to have much ability
and make poor use of it.
Hint today: To safely clean toys- wipe them with
vinegar, and then rinse with water. It's safe
for babies and strong enough to kill germs.

Monday, January 25, 2010

22-23 Oct 1967 Bobby FINALLY GOT MAIL

22 October postmark > Bobby to Gayle

Sunday morning Oct 22
Dear Sweetheart, Well I finally got some mail
today. I got a letter from your mother and daddy,
my mother and daddy and my Mouse. You just can't
realize how it makes a person feel when he is
half way round the world from his love ones and
hasn't heard from them in awhile. It's about the
best thing for a person over here. I never thought
a letter cold look so good.

You wanted to know why I wasn't getting any work
in my field. Well the 157th is a service company.
The service we provide is depot security. We have
nothing to do with supply except we guard the
supplies. . I'm the night security officer. What
I do is sit in an office, check the guard about
2 times a night and if there is any sniper fire
on somebody trying to break into the depot. The
guard sees it call it back here and I and 2 other
people go investigate it. That has my job during
the day is a Captain. He is really a bastard too.
Tonight about 8:30 he came into the office after
being at the club drinking for about 2 and a half
hours drunk. He was really raising hell, chewed
out everybody around for nothing; he was slamming
his desk drawers and everything. I can take all
his hollering and screaming but he had better not
ever touch me 'cause that's when his ass is mine.
No matter what I do then I'm covered. Anyway he
just has about 30 more days here. Then his
replacement will be in. But he really showed his
ass tonight.

Honey, how long does it take my letters to get to
you? I was just wondering. I sure am lonely over
here. I just can't wait until I can come home to
you again. Lord, I wish that I could see you and
I miss you very, very much.

Your best believe I'm getting out of the army
after this. This is the most ridiculous place
here. If I told you what it was like as far as
rinky dink stuff is around her you wouldn't
beleive me. Anyway it's too much to write
down. I don't' much think anybody can realize
what it's like unless they have been here.

Actually what my day consists of is starting
at 7 at nigh I go to work; get off work at 6
or 7 in the morning; sleep to 2 or 3 in the
afternoon; shower/shave; watch a move; eat
supper; go to work. That's about all I do. I
have some additional duties in the company.
I'm savings officer sanitation officer,
piaster officer (UN Money][?] and seasonal
indoctrination officer. Being seasonal
indoctrination officer means that at the
start of the monsoon season I tell the
troops to wear their rain suits and at the
end of the monsoons I tell them to take
their rain suits off. Isn't that ridiculous?

Well, I'd better run now and check the guard.
Honey I love you very, very much........more
than anything. Take care of yourself and
Little Bit and I love you. All my love always,
Your Bobby [Wolpf]

22 October postmark > Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Just woke up..........It's
hot as blazes here. I thought the monsoons
had started but it looks like they haven't'.
I sure hope they don't start. Gosh, I want
to see you so bad, I wonder what you are doing
all the time. You sound like you are having
a good time. I sure hope so. If you are having
a good time with Sonja and Brenda it probably
takes your mind off a lot of things.

I'm so miserable over here. Every day seems like
a year and the time just doesn't seem to be
getting any shorter. It just drags along. I'm
hoping and praying I get home when our baby
is born.[ Please try to get Dr. Demos to help
you get me home. I want to come home so bad.
Please sweetheart -try to get me home.] (Part
in brackets had circle around it in red ink)

Well, I have to go get a shower and shave now.
Please write whenever you can. I love you very,
very much..........more than anything. Take
care of yourself and Little Bit and I love you.
All my love always, Your Bobby

23 October postmark >Gayle to Bobby

October 22-
Dear Angel, Here I am just thinking about you.
That's all I do. We started working on the
furniture yesterday and last night I went to
hear John Gary with Sonja, Brenda and two other
army wives. I'm so tired. I don't really feel
so very good. I've got to start resting
more.......really. I'm so tired-very- and
so I therefore don't feel so very good. I
love you so much. This was a bad day for me
'cause I got to missing you so terribly much
I could hardly find anything to be glad about
except the day you'll come home and the baby
- our very own baby. I've come to look on him
as a very special gift from God. He is now
and I hope will be a reality that's tangible.

Brenda hasn't had ;her baby yet. To be honest,
I wish she'd hurry. She is so miserable. I love
you so honey. It hurts. I see you every place I
look. I wake up every morning and think it
couldn't be possible for me to love you more,
but each day comes and I love you more.

Are you eating better? I worry so much about
you. What' all this about this colonel? I
thought he was the one you liked. I wish you'd
start getting our mail we send you. You said
something about people being "funny" there and
it not being what you expected- What do you
mean? Lord you're working hard enough. At least
you're busy. Just don't overdo yourself if you
can help it. I had dinner with Mama and Daddy
tonight. Poor mom, she works awfully hard.
Honey you just couldn't believe how tired I am.
I guess it's 'cause I've done more than I've
been supposed to. I need to really be more
careful of Little Bit I suppose. Snuffy's been
sweet lately. He's a mess. Honey, I'm going to
go to sleep . I'll go ahead and mail this in
the morning. There's really not much news as
of now. Oh, did I tell you they acquitted
Bookie Turner on ALL charges?

I'll write tomorrow- I love you more than
anything- All my Love forever Your Gayle

Postcard Postmark 10/23/1967 > Bobby's sister
to Bobby

Bob, Thought you might like this. No news.
I hope you are fine. Everything here is ok.
The den will be finished in a week. Write soon.
Keep the good spirits up. We love you, Elaine.

23 October 1967 Postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Monday morning
Dear Sweetheart, I just finished my last check
of the guards. It sure has been hot here. This
captain I've been telling you about is ridiculous.
There are 8guard stations; we have 8 guards; a
Sgt of the Guard; Corporal of the Guard and a
driver. Well tonight the corporal had CQ in
the company and this captain wanted two roving along the back fence and another
in the ration yard. Since the corporal of the
guard had CQ he wasn't here. The driver of
the truck and the Sgt. of the guard had to be
the roving guards. The driver and the Sgt.
are supposed to stay here in the office. So he
pitched a fit and we had to put them on as
roving guards. So tonight I have had to be the
officer in charge of security, Sgt. of the guard,
and the corporal of the guard. That man is
really an ass. It's a good thing he's not in a
combat unit 'cause somebody would shoot him.
But he just has 29 more days her. His replacement
will be in the 12th of next month. I guess I can
stand him for about 4 more weeks.

I got a package from you today... One of the ones
with underwear and socks in it. The card was the
cutest one I have ever seen. I got a card from
Mrs. Grainger and that was it. I know you are
writing every day, but the mail gets mixed up
somewhere along the way. I sure wish I could
hear from you every day. But I guess if they
can't get the mail here they can't do it.

Did you enjoy seeing Janie? I guess it was alright
without be around because I act like such a bastard
when she is around. I don't know why I do. I guess
that I'm just no good all the way around.

Please let me know what Dr. Demos says every time
you go to him. I worry so much about you. And,
please ask him to help you get me home when it
comes. Please do that for me.

I'm so miserable over here. You stay dirty all the
time. Sweat all the time and if you're not seating
you're getting muddy. It seems I've been here 3
months already and I'm just starting on my third week.
I miss you so much. I've got everybody in the company
to like me. That's good. All the NCO's seem to like
me. Which I think is good. But it's still not like
being at home. I guess nothing can be like that. I
want to see you so badly. I miss you so much.

I just thought of something. 1968 is a leap year so
that means I'll be here 1 day longer than I thought.
It just seems nothing goes my way. Did you get what
I sent you? I sure hope you like it. I really didn't
know whether you would like it or not.

It started raining here a little bit tonight but it
didn't amount to anything. I hope it doesn't rain
too much here. But that's something you can't
control. I just don't have ti9me to do anything
besides work over here. I have about 4 hours a day
free time. That's when I'm not sleeping. I usually
watch a move in the afternoons. Today they had
"Georgy Girl." They get some pretty good films here,
but still it's just not like being at home.

Well, better try to get some sleep now. I love you
very, very much........more than anything. Please
take care of yourself and Little Bit. Please get
Dr. D. to help you get me home when our baby
comes. I love you very, very much. All my love
always, Your bobby [Wolpf}

Thought today: We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.

Hint today: To fall asleep fast try closing your
eyes, look to the right and pause then to the left
and pause. Repeat for 5 minutes. Psychologists say
this eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
reduces the intensity of troubling thoughts.
Plus it induces restorative REM sleep.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

October 20/21 1967 Misc letters

October 20 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle

Friday Oct.20
Dear Sweetheart, How are you today? I am pretty
good. I've just come back from checking the guards.
Everything is alright, except that I want o see you
so badly. We had another practice alert tonight. The
have them about every other night. It keeps people
on their toes which is good.

I want to see you so bad. I miss you so very much.
I guess you get tired of about the same thing in
each letter, but honest darling it's the truth. I
love you so much.

We had the I.G. inspection in the company today
and we got a satisfactory rating on it. They only
give satisfactory and unsatisfactory ratings on
it. I slept all the way through it. They can't
say anything though because I had worked all
night. Lord, I wish they would hurry up and end
this thing. I want to come home so bad.

I sure hope I get some mail today. I should be
getting some anytime now. It sure is lonesome
around here with no mail. I hope it will make
it better when it finally starts coming in.

The typhoon that was supposed to hit here has
turned the other way. And now all we are supposed
to gee is rain, but it hasn't started raining yet.
I sure hope it doesn't start raining. We haven't
heard any artillery going off around here tonight,
but it could start anytime.

About me coming home when our baby is born. If Dr.
Demos says I am needed I can come home I think. But
ZI don't think it is a good idea for us to use
Bill Brock or any political pull to get me home.
Because it could get me in bad around here and
I don't think that would be good. I slept real
good yesterday morning because it was so cool.
I had to use a blanket. It's been pretty warm
today and tonight so far. But every morning
has been rather cool. There are the strangest
looking bugs around here. I wonder what kind
they are. There are a lot of rats around here

I haven't been able to eat real good since I've
been here. About all I've been able to eat has
been meat. I just wonder how much weight I'll
lose while I'm over here. I would like to lose
about 30 pounds. At least I can lose that much.

When I come home I'll be landing in Seattle
Washington and I want you to try and meet me
there. So please try to be there when I come.
I just want to see you so bad. Everyday seems
so long over here. I am so homesick. I hope
this won't last the whole year. But I do know
that each day I'll be missing you more and
more. I just sit and stare at your picture
all the time I can.

Well, I'd better go try to get some sleep now.
I'll write again tomorrow. ZI love you very,
very much. ....More than anything. Please
take care of yourself and Little Bit. I hope
to see you soon, and I love you. All my love
always, Your Bobby

October 21 Postmark Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, I'm sorry I haven't had time
to write you until tonight, but I didn't get
any sleep last night. And when I got up today
I had to meet the new company commander. Then
it was time to eat supper and come to work.
When I got here I had to start looking for
some light bulbs for this guard station. We
had to find 300 watt bulbs, which the depot
didn't have. We rode around the depot for
about an hour and half looking for them.

Last night the reason I didn't' get any sleep
was because a company here in the depot burned
down. They think a stove exploded. Anyway
most of the barracks were tents and the whole
company burned down in about 15 minutes. I
felt so sorry for some of those people over
there because a lot of them were going home
tomorrow and they just got out with a tee
shirt and a pair of shorts.

Please see if Dr Demos can get me home for
when our baby is born. I really do hope that
I can I pray every night asking god to let me
be able to come home when our baby is born.
This letter won't go out until tomorrow morning,
but I'll write you again tonight s you will
have 2 in the mail.

Martha Ray was here at Qui Nhon today. I
didn't get to see here because her show was
at 8pm and I go to work at 7 pm. I guess I
won't be able to see many shows here. I
sure hope that I get some mail tomorrow. I stand
by the mail room everyday hoping I will get
some. Some should be coming anytime. I sure
hope I get some tomorrow. I sure am lonely
here. I hope it will get better when I get some mail.

Well I'd better go now. I'll write again later
tonight. Darling I love you very, very much...
...more than anything. Please take care of yourself
and Little Bit. I love you very, very much. All
my love, always, Your Bobby

October 21 1967 Bob's mother to Bobby

Dearest Bob, You've no ideas how happy we are to
get your letters. Every day when the postman
comes, I'm waiting at the mail box. I've been
down helping Gayle paint this afternoon I'm
going down Monday or Tuesday and help her get
thing put away and the nursery straight.

We are going tonight to see UC and Xavier play.
I guess Gayle told you her daddy's buying the
yellow ford, so it will still be in the family.
Elaine and Jim got started on their den this
weekend so needless to say they are all excited.
We should get our plans back from the architect
the first of the week so we can get started on
the fireplace before the weather gets too bad.

I'll be glad when your mail catches up with you.
You'll have enough to last you a week. You
should have some by now. We got a kick out of
your Hell's Angels Sergeants. I'd sure keep on
the good side of them.

Bob, I know, I REALLY do, how easy it is to
become bitter about those who are running from
what you are doing. I've fought it and I've just
about overcome it for the bitterness we feel
doesn't hurt them, it just eats into us and
eventually could destroy us. If the Fathers of
our country and men like Patrick Henry had
hidden behind desks etc. we wouldn't have the
country we have. You Bob, can be VERY proud of
what you are doing and in the future I know God
will bless you for doing what you are. After
all, you can live with yourself and I wonder if
they will come to the time when they find it
hard to live with themselves. Of course,
you'll be more respected than they.

I pray every day that God will you the strength
and endurance to see this year through. I
think He would like for YOU to pray for it
too. He won't fail you. You have no idea how
many people back here ask about you and you are
on just about everybody's prayer list so I know
everything will work out fine.

You and Gayle have had some bad breaks, so I see
nothing but happiness ahead for the two of you
when you come home because everyone, sooner or
later has some bad luck and disappointments.
So- keep your chin up. By the time you get this
we'll be in the forties [week wide] instead of
the fifties. I'm sure by the time you come home
you will have reevaluated many things- you'll
know what's important and what isn't and that
will be good.

Be sure and tell me if you don't get the paper.
It was ordered and paid for 2 weeks ago. I must
go now and fix Fret some dinner. We love you
VERY much. Mother

PS Janice had their baby last Thursday night
and was back in school on Wednesday. They have
a "marvelous" nurse to care for the baby 20
hours a day. Thank God you have a wife who
will put being a wife and mother ahead of
everything else. "Gayle will be a SWELL mother.

October 21 1967 Postmark Bobby to Gayle
Saturday evening
Dear Sweetheart, You just wouldn't believe how
busy I've been tonight. This is the first chance
I have had to sit down since I wrote you the first
letter tonight. Right now its 2:30 and I've been
out of the office since about 12. I wish I could
write good letters. I know just about every letter
that I write you has the same thing in it. I guess
it sound like a broken record. But I'll keep
writing you the same things because when I write
you it seems I'm talking to you and that you are
right here in the same room with me.

Tonight we were driving along and about100 yards a
big dump truck came out of a side road and it lost
its brakes and flipped right over. The driver wasn't
hurt but it sure scared him pretty bad. To tell the
truth it scared me, because if we had been about 15
seconds sooner it would have hurt us. I don't know
if the monsoons are going to start because we had
about 2 days of rain and then the past couple of
days it's been real pretty. I sure hope it doesn't
rain much.

These 3 weeks I've been gone from you sure have been
hell. I miss you so very, very much. I'd give just
about anything to be able to be on my way home now
to see you. Lord, I love you darling. Every day I
just keep loving you more and more. Just like we
say=- more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

Please see if Dr. Demos can get me home when Little
Bit comes. If he says I'm needed they will bring me
home. I have to get a hair cut tomorrow. My hair
is getting so long. And, with it long it stays
dirty all the time. This has got to be the dirtiest
country in the world. I wish I could describe to you
how dirty it is. When the military was able to have
their dependants over here, I don't know how the women
stood it. I would no more think of bringing you over
here unless it was absolutely necessary, because I
wouldn't want you to live in a cesspool like this.
You just can't realize people live like these people.
Their houses [shacks] are made out of card board boxes
or pieces of wood. I'll try to get some pictures of
them and send them to you. The slums at home are
mansions compared to these places. Words just can't
describe their country.

There was a big battle about 10 miles away from here
tonight. We could see the lights from it. The was
bombing and everything hit was at a place called
Pha Cat [I think] They say there was a brigade of
Viet Cong there. I don't know but there sure was
a lot of firing coming down from helicopters and
other type planes over the area.

I just can't believe how much I miss you. It's
really bad. ...Just a big empty feeling in me all
the time. I don't think I'll be able to get rid
of that until I get home to my mouse again.

I'd better try to get some sleep now. I love you
very, very much......more than anything. Please
take care of yourself and Little Bit and I love
you. All my love always, Your Bobby

October 21 1967 Postmark Bobby to Gayle
Hi Sweetheart, I just go up. I'm so nervous today.
I don't know why. I'm just so jumpy and worried
about everything. I don't know what is causing it.
I sure hope I get some mail this afternoon. I want
to hear from you so bad. Lord sweetheart, I'm going
out of my mind over here. I know there has been a
change in me already. I just hate to see what I'm
going to be like when I get home. I miss you so much.
I don't know how I can live without you. This is
terrrible over here.
I feel like I've lost about 15 pounds already. I
haven't been able to eat since I left you. If I
could I would write you all the time I'm awake.
I've been thinking about TeTe' a lot lately. I
still can't believe that she is dead. But I still
see her the way she was in her bed right after
she died.

Please tell Dr. Demos to get me home for when our
baby comes. I don't; think I could stand it over
here when that happens. It's bad enough as it is
but that would just put the topping on the cake.
They say Martha Ray made a statement last night
that brought the house down. It was," Those
demonstrators back in the states couldn't even
shine our boots." This is true. When I get back
I'd better not see my cousins. I know I'm going
to hurt some people's feelings when I get back.

Sweetheart, I love you so much. I want to come
home to you so bad. I really do. Please try
to get me home. I'm going crazy without you.
I love you so very, very much. ....More than
anything. Please take care of yourself and
Little Bit and I love you. Please don't forget
that. All my Love always, Your Bobby
Thought today: It's unfortunate that swelled
heads aren't painful.
Hint today: To avoid scrubbing burned edges of
a casserole dish, sprinkle Epsom salts over the
mess and let sit for 10 minutes. It will cause
the pieces to flake off. Then a quick scrub with
the abrasive salts will remove any remaining
stuck-on food.

Friday, January 22, 2010

10/19/1967 Postmark Bobby's Sister Elaine to Bobby

Thursday, Oct. 19
Dear Bob, We were so glad to get your letter
and know that everything is as well as can be
expected. Keep good spirits and time will pass
a lot faster. We are dickering with carpenters
over our den. Jim has decided he needs to become
one in order to make some money. We hope to have
the work completed sometime during the next 2
weeks. I sure do hope it will be as pretty as
I think it is going to be.

"Zim" sure is rambunctious in the cool weather.
When you on him he really goes. Butch is still
having a possum a day. I think his philosophy
is a possum a day keeps the doctor away. He is
also helping us rid ourselves of our gopher rat

We took the mower off of the tractor the other
day and hitched a plow to it. We have planted
our plowed field with year round green grass.
I hope it will be pretty.

Gayle and mother and Daddy came for a birthday
dinner last night. I am going to help Gayle
paint Saturday. I'm sure we'll get more paint
on us than the walls. Jim is taking water to
the barn. He says it's a drudge but I think he
really does enjoy his nightly adventure.

We are anxious to get your pictures. I can't
comprehend the real extent of the monsoon
season. Does it rain constantly? Jim does
remember the Bridgeman boy. What is his first
name? Are the beaches there anything like the
Atlantic coast or the Pacific coast? What kind
of waves? Have you been swimming yet? Aren't you
glad you have hot water? I can't imagine how on
earth you will get clean without it. Do you have
indoor plumbing?

Well, I guess I had better close now and wash my
hair. Write soon. Love, Elaine

10/19/1967 Postmark Bobby to Gayle

Thursday 19 oct. 67
Hi Sweetheart, I just got up. It's about 2pm and
hot as blazes. It was cool when I went to bed
this morning though. Lord, I wish I could see you.
I dreamed about you when I was asleep. I miss you
so badly all the time I'm thinking or you. I love
you so much. I just hope and pray I'll be able to
come home soon or when our baby is born.

I sure hope I get some mail this afternoon. A lot
should be coming in any day now. I think it takes
5 days for a letter to get to Chattanooga and
5-7 days to get back here. It's so bad here with
no mail. I'll keep trying to write you 2 times
a day. But I for sure will write you at least 1
times. It's all going to depend on how busy I am.
After I write you tonight I'm going to write
everybody. This letter will go out this afternoon
and the one I write tonight will go out tomorrow
morning, so I don't know if you will be getting 2
letters a day or not.

Well, I'd better run take a shower and shave. I'll
write again tonight. Darling I love you very, very
much- more than anything. Please take care of
yourself and Little Bit and I love you. All my
love always, Your Bobby
PS Happy Birthday.

10/19/1967 Postmark Bobby to Gayle

Oct 19, Thursday
Happy Birthday Mouse, I sure hope you do have a
happy birthday. I just wish I could be there, but
I guess I will be there next year. We got a
typhoon warning yesterday. They said it was about
600 miles out and coming in at about 10 mph. I
sure hope it doesn't get here, because we are
about 1 block from the ocean and a big wave would
probably knock over the building I live in.

It's been rather cool today. My interview with the
Col. went pretty good I guess. I still don't know
if I'm going to get promoted or not. This is an
entirely different army over here than it is in
the states. It's very sure that a 2nd Lt. will
make 1st in 12 months over here. I don't why it
is that way but it is.

You just wouldn't believe how tired I am. My head
is about to split open. I think it's caused by
being tired and being nervous. I stay scared all
the time here. I just don't trust any of these
people here. Qui Nhon is having some kind of an
election here and there are political rallies
all over the place. Qui Nhon has been put off
limits until these elections are over.

It has seemed like the longest 2 weeks since I
left you in Atlanta. I just can hardly wait until
I can come home again. Lord, I hope and pray it
will be soon. It's terrible over here. I just
hope when I get home I don't run into those
cousins of mine. You can hear artillery going
off every night. It sounds like it's about 10
to 15 miles off and that's about as close as I
want to get to it.

They have television programs on over here. They
run about all day and to about 10 at night. They
have a variety of different programs. The army
has a TV station right here in Qui Nhon. Tonight
I watched Andy Griffith, Bewitched and Gunsmoke.

Our company has an IG inspection tomorrow. I'm
going to sleep through it because of working
all night. They let us sleep during the day. I
like working at night. It seems to make the time
go by faster- if it's possible for it to go by

I sure hope I get some mail soon. It's about to
drive me crazy. I know you are writing everybody,
but it seems like it would get here faster than
it does. It really does make you feel good when
somebody comes in with more time to do than you
do. You know that club of wives that have husbands
over here? Well each month you go there will be
somebody there that will have more time to wait
than you do. That's one way to look at it.

I wish this year would hurry up and end. Time
goes so slowly over here and I miss you so much
I am just miserable. I love you so very much.
I am just miserable. I love you so very much.
It keeps growing more and more each day. The
saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder
is very true. Because each day I am away from
you I just keep loving you more and more.

Well, I've got to go out and check the guards now.
I'll write more tomorrow. Darling ZI love you
very, very much- more than anything. Please
take care of yourself and Little Bit. And please
let me know what Dr. Demos says and have a happy
birthday. I love you very, very much, All my love
always, Your Bobby

20 October Postmark Gayle to Bobby

October 19, 1967
11:30 pm
My dearest husband, Here it is- my 21st birthday.
It's sad because I had so many plans for us tonight.
And though I miss you all the time, an occasion
makes it even worse. You know, phone bill or not,
I wish you could call me. Honey the days are so
messed up for me. Some days I do a lot and
they're fast, then other days I do a lot and
they are slow. Then, the same thing about the
days I don't do much. Tonight I went to mom and
dads for dinner. We had steak, salad and baked
potatoes. Then mama and I went to Eastgate. I
bought a crib mattress; sheet and pillow case
and mattress cover for less than $15 at Penney's.
Is that good? I thought so. I'm going to paint
the crib and chest this weekend. I bought the paint
this afternoon. I had to go to the Norge place and
do dry-cleaning. I got a baby shawl with Top Value
stamps today. It cost 15cents. That was good too.
I'm so proud of myself. I just wish you were here
to help me. Honey, I'm sending you your xmas in a
couple of weeks. It will only be small things,
but I'm getting you a gift certificate later.
That will be for xmas. - your big present anyway.
It's just that I have no money next month- unless
I sell Tupperware. or you increase my money here.
At least 'til I get straightened out. Of course by
then the baby will be here and I'll need even more.
It's a mess.

Brenda still hasn't had her baby yet. I wish she
would in a hurry. I'm going crazy. I go to Dr. D
in the morning. I'm going to finish this letter
when I get back from there. My apt is at 9:30, so
I'll mail it the regular time. This is going t be
fairly long 'cause I have a lot to ask you, etc.
I love you my angel Wolpf!-Mouse

Hi! Lord, I had so much to do today. I went to
the Dr. He said I'm doing good. He's proud of my
weight and isn't going to put me on a diet. I have
to buy some cotton panties 'cause he said it would
help the hemorrhoid situation I've had. Also, I've
had some pains that he said were adhesions from
surgery, as the baby is pushing everything up it
will hurt a while, but not severely. But thank
goodness I'm not on a diet- yet. Just think when
I see him next I'm half through the pregnancy!
That's better sounding isn't it? Brenda and I went
to town and I had the water put in our name and all.
And, everybody I know had to pay a deposit but us.
Isn't that heaven? Brenda and I are taking care of
Sonja's children today and tonight because her sister
in Knoxville is real ill and they don't know what's
wrong. So, Sonja went up there and will be back
tonight. I paid the furniture bull today. #1 Do you
ealize we'll own it when you get home? That's all
that's been going on, except Daddy's sick and so is
Randy. Tonya got bitten by a cat and they had to
send its head off to see if it was rabied. So Tonya
may have to have those shots!

Say, you'd better quit apologizing for your mama san
in every letter or I'll think something's up!?
I'm kidding- I know better. How does your radio
work? Hey honey, the best I can figure is that
$130 is your re-location [not dis-location] pay
for the time in October you're there. In Nov.
surely you will get a lot more. Have you got the
check I sent you? I'm [or us here] really hurting.
I'm going to Eastgate today and I'm sending you
washcloths, a promotion gift and hangers in one box.
I love you. Anyway, when you went up that Mountain,
did you have a gun? I was scared to death when you
told me that. I'm so glad you like the people you
work with. do you have rats where you live? At least
you have hot water! It sounds like the food's fine.
Thank you so much for the pictures. What was all of
this about the Vietnamese funeral? The monsoons sound
like hell. Did you get drunk at the Hail and Farewell?
Why do you think you'll land in Seattle? I haven't
got your present for me yet, but I do hope you didn't
spend a lot- you sweet ol' monkee. What's ever
happened to that guys who was going to kill himself?
Tell me about your "hell's angels" friends. I hope you
get to be their friend.

What's wrong with your promotions? It's a mess isn't
it? This is one time I'm gland you're e working
such long hours. Any other time - forget it! Are
you able to sleep for the noise?

Well, honey, I've got the Royal and Kelly children
and we've got to go to the bank. I love you- forever
and always. Take care of yourself. All my love,
Your Gayle
[I think our baby might look like this picture]

Thought today: An open mind is sometimes too
porous to hold a conviction.

Hint today: Rust rings, such as those from
shaving cream cans, can easily be removed
from vanity tops by pouring some cola on the
spot. Just let it sit for 5 minutes then wipe
with a damp cloth. The phosphoric acid in
soda swiftly dissolves the iron oxide particles
in the rust.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

18 October letters Bobby and Gayle

18 October 1967 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle
Monday Morning
Dear Sweetheart, Well, Here it is 2 am. I just got
back from checking the guards. Things are going
fairly well, except for these 2 captains. One came
here raising all sorts of hell because there was
no guard at the PX. The PX is not our responsibility.
And the other one - well, he just hollers and screams
all the time. He's an MP and chief of depot security.
I think he is trying to prove how tough he is. I
really don't pay any attention to him.

I haven't been promoted yet. It's really pissing me
off. They said I would have to have a recommendation
from my company commander, which I got. I think it
is ridiculous. Col. Bell's recommendation should be
enough. Anyway, it should come down in a day or two.
They are going to make my pay retroactive to the
10th of October. I have the 1st Lt. bars sewn on my
uniforms now. The Battalion Commander said there
is no sweat because I had proved myself at Ft.
Jackson. It's just a formality, he said.

I've been in country a full week now. It sure has
gone by slowly. I got off at about 11 last night
[Saturday] and got up Sunday morning at about
10:30. I won't get off until about 7 this
morning and don't have to go back to work
until 7 Monday night. You wouldn't believe
how dirty you get around here. You had might
as well not even take a shower because 15
minutes later you are dirty again. They had
a show at the NCO Club next door. I got on
top of a container of some kind and watched
part of it.

I love you so much. I just can't wait until
I can be home with you again. My driver is
from "Atlanta. He took basic training at
Ft. Jackson in the 6th Battalion. He knows
a lot of the same people I know from there.
We got a new 1st Sgt. in the company. He
seems like he's going to be real tough but
I haven't talked to him yet. It's so muddy
here. I wear about 2 pairs of boots a day
-Plus some rubber boots. Now we are wearing
rain suits which make you sweat a lot. I'll
probably lose about 40 pounds while I'm over
here. They say you usually loose a lot of
weight over here. I can see how with the
humidity the way it is. It sure will be good
to get back in the states and be able to
get clean again and get some good water.

You wouldn't believe how tired I am. You just
stay tired all the time over here. I guess
it's the heat and not having an appetite. We
are just sitting around and listening to the
radio now. I guess I'll be able to write a
lot of letters here on this job. At least
I hope I will.

I've got to go now. Sweetheart, I love you
very, very much- more than anything. Please
take care of yourself and I love you. All my
love always, Your Bobby

18 October 1967 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle

Tuesday Night

Dear Sweetheart, This has been the worst day.
There hasn't been a thing go my way today. I
haven't been able to do a thing right. Well,
to start off with- this morning I went to see
the Col. like they told me. Well I was supposed
to have gone on Monday. Then the Col. came into
the front room and I didn't stand up fast enough
and he jumped all over me. Well I didn't even
get a chance to talk to him. I have to go back
in the morning. Your talk about being tired.
Got about 3 hours sleep last night. This morning
I didn't get into bed till round 10:30. It hasn't
rained today thank goodness, but there is still
mud all over the place.

This has really been a discouraging day. This
sergeant I work with is the best man. He's
colored. He makes me feel a lot better when
he is around. He gives me some good advice.
I've got a lot of respect for him. He's
fixed it up for me to be able to eat at night
without paying for it.

It sounds like there is a lot of action about
10 or 15 miles away because you can hear
artillery going off all around off in the
distance. It's been going on for 2 -3 hours

I should be getting some mail any day now.
I sure hope I get some for my sweet mouse
tomorrow. This is the loneliest place.
Everybody's getting mail but me. But
I'm sure when it comes I'll get a lot.
I sure hope your birthday present got
there alright. I sure hope you like it.
I want to come home so very bad. I want
to see you so bad. It's been real hot
today- almost unbearable. You just sit
around and sweat.

Well, it's Wednesday here now and a day closer
until I come home. Lord, I can't wait for that
day to come. I love you so much darling.
This is the worst time of my life -Being
separated from you for such a long time.
Lord, I hope I don't have to stay the whole
year I want to come home when our baby is
born so badly. But the only thing I can do
about that is to pray.

The time I've been here so far, all I've
done is think about you and coming home to
you. And it's such a long time off it
depresses me so bad. It's a little after 12
right now and the office I'm sitting in is
right at 80 degrees and this is supposed to
be the cool part of the year. I can imagine
the summer will be terrible.

I sure do dread having to go see the Col.
tomorrow. The way my luck has been going I
won't get promoted for while. But I've been
doing the best I can since I've been here
and I don't think anybody can ask for anymore
than that. But people are really funny around
here. It's certainly not what I thought it
would be like. But I don't guess I can complain
too much, because I've got a real good job and
a bed to sleep in every night. I could have it
so much worse over here. In fact I could have
it a heck of a lot worse. I guess I'm just
wondering how long it will take me to get over
this. I know I can't get over missing you.
That's something that I'm going to have to
learn to live with. I guess it will take two
to three weeks to get yourself adjusted over
here. I've been here just about a week and a
half now and it seems like an eternity since
I left you in Atlanta, or talked to you from
Travis Air Force Base that night.

Well I'd better go now. I'll write again tomorrow.
Please take care of yourself and Little Bit.
And I love you very, very much- more than anything.
All my love always, Your Bobby

18 October 1967 Postmark- Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Am I every sleepy. It is right now
7:30 in the morning. I've eaten breakfast and showered
already. All I have to do now is see the Col. If he
will see me this morning. I'm scared to death about
seeing him this morning. But I guess he puts his
pants on the same way I do.

I sure hope today is not like yesterday. I couldn't
take many days like that. It was the worst day I've
had since I've been here. It is real bad having to
work all night and then having to go some place
in the morning and not getting into bed till about
10:30 o9r so. I'll be glad when I get the promotion
straightened out and I can start getting some sleep.
It's real cool this morning and there is a strong
breeze. But you can bet it will get real hot before
the day is over with.

Would you believe that in the PX they have Christmas
decorations? You wouldn't believe how they mess with
your mind over here. And they say they do everything
they can to build morale. About the only things that
are morale builders around here is the company club,
movies, and mail. This has got to be the worst place
in the world. If they told me I could go home today
it wouldn't be soon enough. I hate it so bad over

I hope you are feeling alright and are taking care
of yourself 'cause I don't want anything to happen
to you. I worry so much about you. I love you so
very much darling. I sure hope I get some mail today.
It's so bad over here not hearing from home in such
a long time. You just can't realize what it's like
over here. I guess that it's about as bad for you.

Well, I've got to go get ready to see the Col. I
sure dread seeing him. Please take care of yourself
and little bit. I love you very, very much- More
than anything. All my love always, Your Bobby

19 October 1967 postmark Gayle to Bobby

October 18, 1967
Dear Angel, Well, I'm finally getting caught up on
my sleep. At least until Brenda goes to the hospital.
We just sit and wait on her. It's a full moon tonight
so maybe she'll go. I went to Elaine's tonight for
my birthday. Your parents gave me $20 and Elaine and
Jim gave me $10. This Weekend I'm going to paint the
nursery and the furniture. I've decide to paint the
nursery white. [I mean the furniture] I cleaned the
house up real good today- finally. I've put it off
'till I couldn't stand it. Next week I have that
Tupperware party and everything needs to be clean
I suppose.

Honey you just wouldn't believe these sweet kids
of Sonja and Brenda. They come to visit me all
the time. They are just wonderful little things.
They stay for hours. Bob, Brenda, Sonja and I are
so close now. It's funny how it just sort of
happened in 2 wks. time. We sort of make spur of
the moment plans and live day to day. That's all.

It's really hard isn't it? [This separation]. I
constantly worry and think about my Wolpf. It's
awful to wait and wait and wait. I imagine by
the time you come home it won't have seemed like
such a long ol' time, but for the present it's an
eternity. But we will be together and be happier
than we've ever been. You know I got to thinking-
someday we'll know a much worse sadness but we'll
probably never know a happier happiness than when
we are together again. I love you so very much
sweetheart. I ache all over from missing you. If
you were here just to fuss I'd be happy. I haven't
got our phone bill yet. Whew! It'll be a whopper I
guess. Snuffy is sitting here chewing on a bone.
He's so noisy with bones. I don't know where he
finds them, but everyday he comes in with another.
I haven't heard from the Ninabuchs as yet. I wish
I would. Did your mom tell you that Janice and
Howie bought a $30,000 home? Haven't you got any
mail yet? That was silly ' cause when you read
this you will have gotten some. Tomorrow I'm going
to Mom and Dad's for dinner. They're having me
[Dad is] a dress made for part of my birthday.
Oh! Daddy's buying the yellow car from your dad.
Can you stand it? At least it will be family.
I've gotten worried about daddy now. He's gotten
real pale and sick lately. From the type pains
he has we think he has kidney stones again. Bob,
there isn't any way they could operate like he
is now. Well, I go to Dr. D. Friday. I always
get scared before I go. [I'm a rabbit-mouse, so
it's all right] Take care of yourself. I'm going
to sleep now. All my love forever, Your Gayle

Thought today: If you don't enjoy what you have,
how could you be happier with more?

Hint today: Apply a dab of vaseline to your wrists
before spritzing on your fragrance. The oils in the
vaseline give the fragrance something to hold onto so
it can stay longer than before because the alcohol
base of fragrances evaporates from the skin more

October 16-17th postmarked letters 1967

17 October 1967 postmark Gayle to Bobby
October 16th, 9:30 PM
Dearest Sweetheart, do you believe I'm writing you
here at 9:30? I usually write to you last thing at
night. It seems as if the days hurry when I have a
set time before bed to write. I'm so glad to know
you're settled. Bob, it sounds like where you are
is a relatively safe place to be. Sonja and I got
out her map when we found out today where you where.
Brenda's husband [Maj. Wm. Kelly] is in An Khe,
which isn't far from you. You looked in your
picture like you've lost weight. Remember what
I told you about "behind the clouds." Look
behind, beneath that filth and smell there and
you can see the beauty of God's earth. You
said it yourself. "It's filthy here- the country,
but the mountains and ocean are beautiful.
" Try to be happy there. Say, what's this
thing about if you are XO why you won't be
getting training in your field? It's a supply
Co., so why wouldn't it be? That's the idea
I get. You know I wish you'd get all my
letters. I've written one at least and often
two each day you've been gone. I wrote them
to my lover Wolpf- not to get lost in the mail.
[I'm mad]

Honey, you'd be so proud of me. I've changed
already- for the good I think. Sure, I'm still
sensitive, temperamental, headstrong, etc. but
I've been able to see so much deeper beneath
things and even see funny things in life much
better. What's good is my mind is quicker on
comebacks and comments to situations. Brenda,
Sonja and I went to Eastgate tonight and I had
them sore from laughing and it made me feel
better. That's laughs secret- making others
laugh and being nice regardless. Sonja and
Brenda's girls love me. They fight over who
I'm spending the nights with and cry when I
don't stay with either. They both hug me
anytime they hug their mamas or for no reason
at all. [I guess I'll be a fairly good mama
for Bobby's babies] They come to me house all
the time and sit and talk or play with the
stuffed animals. I make them laugh and tell
them "I'm pot wabbit." Tonight they gave me
two pictures they colored and I had to put
them on my bulletin board in the kitchen.

I have a big problem with Snuffy. You know
how I love him, but if he keeps on as jealous
of kids as he is I'm getting rid of him. Every
time he sees any of the kids 2 ft. from me, he
starts lunging at them- viciously. Then when
I'm not around he's fine with the kids. There
are too many incidents to go into detail, but
it is making me a nervous wreck 'cause if he's
like that with other people's kids what will he
do around ours? I just don't know. I'm going to
try to work it out. Every time he jumps on
anybody or snaps at the kids he gets a hard 3
licks with a newspaper. If all else fails
then I'm going to try to find him a good home.
I've got everybody asking friends of theirs if
they want a puppy-dog. There is a cousin of
Sonja's who might. I've cried for two days
about the prospect of Snuffy being gone, but
do you have any ideas?

Now to tell you what's been happening
today...........In the first place I only
had 2 1/2 hours sleep last night. The last
time I looked at the clock it was 1:30 and
at 4:00 Sonja called me. Well, she had to
take Brenda to the hospital and I kept the
kids and haven't been back to sleep yet so
I'm going to bed early tonight. Well,
Brenda stayed 'til about 10:00 this morning
because it was a false alarm! It was so
exhausting. I'm fine and I guess Little Bit
is too. I've felt him quiver 4 times now!
Can you stand it?! It's so early, but I
really have.
Honey, I love you- more than anything. Take
care of yourself. Right now, you're all I
have! All my love-forever, Your Mouse

October 16 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Monday Afternoon
Hi Sweet Mouse, I just got up. It's 2 in
the afternoon here. My day consists of
waiting from 7PM to about 6:30am and then
sleeping until I wake up and then writing
letters or watching movies until I start
work. I really think I have a good job.
It's like you are a duty officer. You get
some sleep at night. I don't think that
it's going to be bad. At least I hope I
hope it won't.

It's pretty today. The sun is shining and
it's real hot. This place sure isn't like
home. Like I told you, you can't stay clean,
mosquitoes eat you up and the heat and
humidity is almost unbearable. This
captain, who I told you about last night
- the MP, well, would you believe he wears
starched fatigues, spit shined boots and
a brassoed pistol belt. I couldn't believe
it when I saw them.

Well, it looks like it's going to cloud up
and rain. I sure hope not, because it's muddy
enough around here now. This has got to be
the noisiest places over here. -With planes
and trucks going by all the time.

Well, I'd better go down to the orderly room
and see what's happening. I'll write tonight.
So take care of yourself and Little Bit and
I love you very, very much- more than anything.
All my love always, Your Bobby

October 17 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, We had another practice alert
tonight. My job during these alerts is to just
stay in my office. They say I have one of the
best jobs at Qui Nhon. But I don't know. I
stay scared all the time. It's kind of hard
to sleep during the day but I guess I will
get use to it. I have some real fine men
working for me. They help me a lot since
this is the first time I have been in charge
of my job by myself.

We had pretty good dinner tonight at the mess
hall. We had steak, corn, tossed salad the
tea and apple pie. You know I can't really
complain about this here. I have a bed to
sleep in, hot water to bathe in and 3 hot
meals a day. That's better than a lot of
people have it. I've got a lot to be thankful

I'm going to try to get some sleep while
I'm here tonight. I sure hope I can. I
just can't wait to get home. It seems like
such a long time off. As soon as I get a
chance I'm going to use this system they
have here and call you. I'll let you know
in a letter so you'll be home all day. I
sure hope I will be able to get through
and talk to my sweet mouse. It will
probably be next month because I now
the phone bill this month will be a huge

I sure hope your birthday present gets
there on time. I sent it registered air
mail. Please if you need any money let
me know and I'll send you a money order
'cause I know I can afford it.

I'm going to buy a movie camera while
I'm over here, so we can take pictures
of little bit and anything else that
we want to. You know they issue us a
ration card. We can get 6 cartons of
cigarettes a month, 3 bottles of booze
and 2 bottles of wine, about 12 cases
of beer and the other luxury items are
rationed like cameras tape recorders,
etc. I wish those packages of underwear
you sent me would get here. I think I
have about 2 pairs left. I have about
8 pairs in all.

I'm glad I finally got a job now. Maybe
the time won't go by so slowly. It has
really drug by so far. I just can't wait
to get some mail. "They say the time goes
by a lot faster after you get mail. I
wonder how long it takes for mail to get
here. I want to hear from you so bad.
I miss you so much. My jeep driver has
5 days left. The company commander has
6 days left and what do I have
left............about 350 days. It's
really going to be a long year. This
is so bad over here being without you.
I love you so very much. I think of
you all the time.

I'd better go get something to eat now.
I'll write when I get a chance. Darling,
I love you very, very much. Take care
of yourself and Little Bit and I love
you. All my love always, Your Bobby

October 17 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
On 157th Quartermaster Co. stationary


October 17 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Tuesday Morning
Dear Sweetheart, Well here I sit. Now I'm
waiting to see Col Higgins. I guess it's
about the promotion. I see him at 9A:30.
I got off work about 45 minutes ago. I
sure would like to go to sleep. I'm so
tired. I got about 3 hours sleep last
night and I have to get some more after
I see the Colonel.

I have to get a shower and shave before
I see him. And now I'm waiting for them
to get the hot water going into the shower.
It's kind of cool this morning after it
rained practically all night. I just
wouldn't believe how tired I am. I can
hardly move. I would love to go to bed
now, but if the Col. calls, you have
to go. I've had to shine my brass and
everything this morning.

You know I'll probably lose about 50
pounds over here. I just don't have
any appetite at all. They will serve
me a tray full and I just sort of poke
around at it. They are having some
sort of election in Qui Nhon; therefore
it has been put off limits to everybody
until after the elections. I don't really
care to go down there until I've been here

Lord, I wish I could see you. I miss you
so very much. I'm just hoping for the day
we are together again. Lord, I love you.
All I do is think about you. I dream
about you when I sleep. When I'm awake
I think of you. This is terrible. You
just wouldn't believe it. I guess it
will rain some more today. You get sort
of tired of it after awhile, all the mud
and everything.

Well, I'd better go get ready to see the
Col. now. I'll write again when I get a
chance. Darling, I love you so very, very
much - more than anything please take care
of yourself and Little Bit and I love you.
All my love always, Your Bobby

17 October 1967 Postmark Bob's Mother to Bobby

Dear Bob, It was SO good to get your letter
yesterday. You are a "fur" piece from where
we thought you would be or so it looks on
the map. I've an idea our map will be
dog-eared by the time you get home for
every time I hear a place mentioned on
the news I check it on the map.

Is it the South China Sea your room overlooks?
It seems that is a break for you must get a
little breeze from the water Are your quarters
nice? What kind of work are you doing?
Did you see Major when he was in Saigon?
How did you get from Bien How to Qui Nhon?
These are just a few of the questions we would
ask you if you were here.

I hope your mal has caught up with you for I
wrote you twice last week and Elaine wrote
besides the "dozen or so" what Gayle wrote.

I took Jeff to the doctor yesterday. His
arthritis is acting up. We are giving him a
cortisone shot every 3 weeks and 2 aspirin
a day. I am getting him a dog bed today and
we are going to let him sleep in the kitchen
from now on. I know you will be happy about

Did I tell you Janice has a 7 1/2lb. Girl?
Lois called us at 3:30 am last Friday morning.
If Gayle eats with her family on Thursday night
then she will eat with us tomorrow night-
or if her family is involved on Thursday she
will spend it with us. I am going to give
her $20 for her present. She said she thought
the dresses should be her present but I told
her they were "just because I love her."

Daddy is busy but not having to knock himself
out- for which I am glad. I'm trying to convince
him that we have saved and planned for the future
and "this is our future." I'm working a little
on my cards- just the big accounts for I'm
still a little tired although I'm feeling much

I'm not giving you any news about Gayle for I
know she has told you all about that. She ate
with us on Sunday and is doing fine. I've told
her anytime she wants me to go to the doctor
with her that I will. Just think- we are marking
the days off now.

Bob, I know, no I don't really know unless I were
in your place, how lonely you get at times and
how you want to come home. But you are in a
situation where there is nothing that can be
done about it, so my advice to you is to make
the best of it. In your own words, "do your job
and a little bit more" so you can come out with
a good record.

I'm praying now that when you come home God will
help you find a job you will enjoy and can do
well in. I know He will. When the stars come
out tonight, find the brightest one in the sky.
That is the one we pray will watch over you.

We will keep our eyes open for a good buy on
some property, 3 or 4 acres and if we find it
will buy it and hold it for you until you can
get a VA loan. After thing get settled a little
more Gayle and I can ride round and look- who
knows what we can come up with!

Keep your chin up fellow- we're very proud of
you and love you very much. Mother

Thought today: The most dangerous wheel of chance
is the steering wheel.

Hint today:Outside of regular brushing and flossing,
the best way to prevent gum disease is to eat 2 oz.
of yogurt a day. It's good bacteria helps fight
germs in the mouth.

Monday, January 18, 2010

October 15 1967 Bobby and Gayle

Unclear postmark- reposted 10-22/10-24/10-28-1967
Gayle to Bobby

October 15th
Dear Mr. Wolpf, Here I am again just sitting
here thinking how much I love and miss you and
please hurry home soon. Then, there's very little
to say each day, but I do love you so very much.
I'm going crazy to hear from you. Have you gotten
any of my letters? You're bound to know something
by now. Janie's in town now. She looks good. She
and Brenda and I played Canasta last night 'til 1:00.
I don't know if she'll ever have that baby- honestly.
Janie spent the night. Bless her heart; I've had her
crying the whole time. ZI just took her home so she
could go to church. I'm going to go to your familys
for lunch. Then about 4:00 I'm going to go up to visit
Col. Bates with Mom and Dad and get some of his apple
cider. He's a darling man. Next week will be busy.
I'm not having my Tupperware party 'til the 25th and
I must call everybody and get it fixed up. Then I
have to go to town and have the water put in our
name before they turn it off. I found out we pay
for water and they'll turn it off if I don't' do
something soon and you can't handle it over the
phone. I really want to work for Marian, but
there's so much I have to do this week. [The
doctor, etc. that I couldn't work.] I've
finally quit losing weight. He may not put me
on a diet since I've lost some pounds. I haven't
heard from Nolan or Audrey. I do wish I could
get those pictures. I can't start fixing up the
nursery until at least January 'cause of the
money. I've forgotten all about draperies for
the bedroom, etc.

Snuff got into another fight with Hank this
morning. Snuffy didn't get a scratch on him.
He's in good condition now and you know he
seems to have grown a little bit. I'll have
to leave in a little while to go to your
parents and I want to mail this before then.
Cassandra's been fine since they reset her
plugs. Lord that scared me to death when she
broke down. I guess I was mad more than
anything. Bob, honey, do you need anything?
I worry so much about you. Mom is getting
up all sorts of cookie recipes to decide what
to make for you. She may get you some before
you come home- she has so very much to do.

I just talked with Dad. He's mad 'cause I
didn't go to church. He's right really because
It gives me something to do on Sundays and
besides if I don't' get in the habit of going
now I won't when the baby is growing up and
we'll have to. I had a sick headache this
morning. I'm a mess. I've felt better
physically in the last couple of days
since I've been pregnant. I'm just tired.
Honey, I love you s. Yu just don't realize
what you are to me. I must go- will write
tonight. All my love forever,
Your Gayle [The Mouse]

15 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, You wouldn't believe the rain here.
It's really bad. It rains for about 2-3 hours real
hard and then it just starts raining. There is mud
and water everywhere. The sun is shining now and
about every 15 minutes it rains for about 2 or 3
minutes. Then when the sun shines the humidity is
so bad you can hardly stand it.

The boy I told you about who is going crazy is in
the hospital now. They took him to a psychiatrist
today. He is really messed up. Last night at the
Hail and Farewell I was talking with the Battalion
chaplain. He went to Tennessee Temple. He seems
like a real fine man. When he was in school he
worked at the Hamilton National Bank. He leaves
here in 6 months. So he will be around for a while.
I guess if I looked hard enough I could find
somebody around here from Chattanooga I know.
These days just drag by. They seem so long. I
miss you so much. Also, last night at the Hail
and Farewell we had a steak dinner and all the
drinks we cold drink.

In our company we have 2 sergeants who are
members of Hell's Angels. They are pretty nice
men. They don't cause any trouble or do
anything out of the way. They have real good
military courtesy.

I'm going to mail your birthday present this
afternoon. I really hope you like. I didn't
really know what to get you, so I really do
hope you like it. If there is anything else
you want just let me know.

Well, I'd better go eat lunch now and get
your package mailed. I'll write more later.
Sweetheart, I love you very, very much.
............more than anything. Take care
of yourself, Little Bit and Snuff. ..........
and I love you. All my love always,
your Bobby.

15 October 1967 postmark Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, This will just be a short
note to let you know I love you very, very
much. I haven't much time now and I'll write
you again tonight. This is the 2nd letter I've
written you today and I want to make sure it
goes out this afternoon. The one tonight will
go out tomorrow morning.
I mailed your birthday present today. Please
don't get mad at me for spending so much on
it. I wanted to because I haven't really
gotten you a present since we have been
married. If you need any money let me know
because I can send you some.

I love you so very, very much darling. The
time just drags by here. Sometimes it goes
by pretty fast though. I finally started to
work. I'll be the Depot Security officer.
I'll be working mostly at night. I've got
to run now. I'll write again tonight. I love
you very, very much.........more than anything.
Please take care of yourself and Little Bit.

All my Love always, Your Bobby

18 October postmark- Reposted 22 Oct/ 24 October
Gayle to Bobby
October 15
Dear Angel, Did you have a good day today.
Lord I wish you'd get my letters. You've not
been able to answer anything. This last letter
I got from you was written a week ago. A lot
can happen in a week and I know nothing! I just
worry. I'll be 100% better if I knew where you
were and that you are settled. Snuffy and I are
fine. Tonight Janie and I watched the Sun. night
move with Brenda. Then I took her home. Snuffy
sits here and watches me as I write. He's wild
sometimes. The only thing that's wrong with me
is I've eaten all sorts of things that make me
have gas pains. I ate lunch with your mom and
dad today. Dot Jameson came over. Jeffrey is
sick. He can't walk well. He has to drag his
back leg. They're going to have to get him a
shot for his rheumatism. Poor little thing is

Honey, I miss you so much it's not funny. I
see you everyplace. Tonight it just hit me
just how long a year would be because
this - not quite 2 weeks has been an eternity.
It seems so anyway.

Vicki Sussdorff has been sick and Dana even
sicker. Dana's had something bad wrong. They've
had to run tests and all sorts of things.
She has 9/10's the resistance she should
have or something. It's pitiful. I need to
call her and find out how they're doing.
I found out through Elaine. I hope she gets
all right.

You know there's one thing for certain.
Already I feel like the next baby we have
couldn't be as hard to get here 'cause I
worry about the least little thing and with
another pregnancy AI wouldn't feel the need
to. I'm fine, it's just that this little
fellow will come into such turmoil and I
will have been upset the whole time I will
have carried him. Oh, I think Janie may get
her vacation April 12-19th and be able to
stay with me the last week. That would help
so much. She will help me clean up the house
and get things ready. Lord, I love you so
very much. When you don't get a letter
written everyday know the reason is that
some days I can only think of you, leaving
nothing much to say. I'll love you forever-
All my love, Your Mouse.

Thought today: Some people no matter how old
they become never lose their beauty. They
merely move it from their faces into their

Hint today: The Good Housekeeping Research
Institute found Olay Regenerist
Micro-Sculpting cream to be more moisturizing
than products 10 times its cost.

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.