Currently letters, communications and images are being added daily in sequence from October 1967 through October 1968.

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Qui Nhon October 12, 1967

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One month down- Letters 28 -31 October 1967

31 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle
Dear Sweetheart, How are you? Fine I hope. I'm
so tired now. We have been pretty busy tonight.
One big thing I had to do was to make some changes
in my guards so each shift would have the same number
of men on it. One shift had 14 men on it while one had
11 men on it and the 3rd had 12. I arranged it so each
shift had 12 men on it.

I got your letter today where you said Dr. Demos told you
to stay on your back for a couple of days. Are you alight
now? I sure hope so. I'm mad because you said if something
is serious wrong you wouldn't let me now abut i8t. Please
let me know everything that happens. Because I think I
should know because after all you are my wife and it is
our child. So please let me know what happens.

Well tomorrow is pay day and I'm just wondering how much
I'[m going to get. I'll be sending you a money order in
the next day or so. So you will have some extra money.
Today I didn't wake up until 4 in the afternoon and
tonight I feel like I haven't gotten any sleep at all.
You just wouldn't believe how tires you are over here
all the time. If you don't get a letter from me please
don't worry because it's just gotten lost some place
in the mail. I'm writing every day because it seems like
you are right here in the room with me. I love you so
very much darling. I just wish I could go to sleep and
wake up and it will be time for me to go home. I miss
you so much. I just wish the time would go by faster.
But right now it's just dragging by.

There is this one sergeant that's working for me. He
has been here about the same length of time I have and
he's going home in 3 days. He went down to personnel
one day and stayed about half the day and the next day
his orders came. I don't know what he said but I wish
I knew his secret. I think he is going back for

You asked abut the Taylor boy. Well, I don't think
Maj. Glascow had anything to do with it, but Maj.
Grainey did. It was a mix-up about the contract he
made. He want' getting paid while he was in ROTC or
something like that. But from what I understand the
boy was done real dirty. But I don't really know
that much about it.

Well, I'm just about 1/12 th of the way through. I
sure hope the next months aren't as long as this month.
I sure hope I can come home when Little Bit comes. I
think Dr. Demos talking to the Red Cross should be
enough. I think he will be all we need, but if he
can't do it please don't cal Bill Brock, etc. because
it will just make people mad at me over here. I
haven't been promoted yet. If it doesn't come down
in a few days I'm going to the IG about it. Because
I think I deserve it.

Well, I'd better try to get some sleep now. I love
you very, very much..............more than anything.
Please take care of yourself and Little Bit and I
love you. All my love always, Your Bobby

31 October 1967 postmark> Gayle to Bobby
October 30th
Dear Angel, Well, I'm here to report that thanks to
the $25 you won't cash and Marion [working this week]
, we'll manage this month. I have made a list for you
as I made mine. The problem is Xmas. I have a list on
the back. It totals $111. Where it's coming from I
don't know. But we'll manage. Honey, please set me
straight- Aren't you going to be getting at least
$200 a month? I thought if so, you could keep $100
and save the rest and send me $100 for awhile 'til
I get these small bills paid off and Xmas coming up.
As you see it takes at least $450 to be assured of
things and even if you increase my allotment by $50
it won't be enough for me and the baby. I won't be
working for Marion but one week. We will have about
$20, extra each month after I pay "Davison's, the
record club and the stereo. But there will be more
expense with the baby, $25 hospital and really I
have got to quit smoking to stretch it. Now, the
Tupperware will help but I don't want to sell it
after January. The only way it will help is to get
all the Tupperware in the kit and pay for your
Xmas gifts that will be late as such anyway. In
Dec. I will have a few more dollars in expenses
with just bills, but only $400 to depend on. So,
we have to figure out a way to have $40 at least
extra in Dec. and now to pay for Xmas gifts. This
is a bitch, but we'll get through the year. God,
I love you. Of course then I'll have income to
worry about. Just help me find a solution now

Working for Marion wasn't bad today. I'm terribly
tired, but I always am. I love you so. I sometimes
feel so low and depressed. A little more to worry a
bout and I'll be in the goony farm. With you, the
baby and the bills to worry about I'm insane. I cry
all the time, but I am silly.

We took Brenda on a 2nd trial run to the hospital
last night. She came home this afternoon. I swear
she's never going to have it I believe.

Honey, in case I haven't said before, please stop
writing about ways to come home. I know how you feel,
but one of these days you'll have a letter censored.
But I will talk with Dr. Demos and let you know. Now
about your attitude. I just don't know what to say.
I love and miss you so much myself that it's hard
to say anything, but honey, snap out of it! I know
it's hard when you don't have any one to talk to, but
remember God is always there. He's really the only one
I talk to about everything. He's much bigger and is
truly the only one who can help us through ALL of our
problems and the only one to thank for all of our
joys. Even our child belongs to Him- not us, as such.
He sort of loans a baby out the way I see it. And our
finances are really better with you there. Of course,
that's the only thing that is. I don't really see how
we'd make it without your extra pay- so forget that.
And Honey if I was any weaker I can still stand the
hard as hell separation this year. I'm just not made
any other way. Of course I'm worried but not to the
point of a nervous breakdown. No matter how much I
love you[ which couldn't be more] I feel you are
there for a reason no matter how miserable we are
and only God will bring you back sooner. If you get
home for little Rick it will be with his help of
course. [I've got to let Snuffy in. He's banging down
the door.] Now, I'm back. The only way I can see you
coming home for good is if I had to be on my back for
months to have the baby or something like that. But
honey, you're a man and God knows you can't have any
black marks on your army record. It's your proof of
being a man- withstanding this hard times and actually
proving to me each day you're done ZI am become a
wife you can be more proud of.

Oh, I'm going to send you the bracelet back. It lost
one of the white stones the first time I wore it and
it was only to church. I figured it's the only way to
fill it with the right stone? Honey, I'm going to
bed now. I love you more than anything- and take care
of yourself-and try to eat. I'm taking care of 2, plus
Snuffy so that's not asking much of you. All my love
forever, Your Gayle [the Mouse] xoxoxox

[Note included with this letter was one with expenses
included a Christmas list of 19 people to total only
$111. Have times changed or what?! And the budget with
a $12 furniture payment and $6.22 phone bill and $120
rent. Too funny.]

30 October 1967 Postmark > Bobby to Gayle

Dear Sweetheart, Have I ever been busy tonight. One of
our guards shot a "gook" tonight breaking into the depot.
We couldn't find him, I think he got over the fence and
got away. I've been alright lately except I think I'm
catching a cold and I have had the runs. But other than
that I've been ok. But I do miss you so very much and
I love you very, very much.

I got your letter today with Major Glasgow's address
in it. I wrote him a note tonight. I'm still getting
a letter from you about every other day and sometimes
its 2 days between letters. I wish the mail would be
better, but you can't have everything.

I sure hope I can home when the baby is born. That's
what makes it so very hard over here for me. Being away
from you is hard enough. In fact being away from you is
like living in hell for a year. So, please talk to Dr.
Demos about getting me home for Rick or Paige's arrival.
I love you so much darling.

Did you ever get my present? It was mailed on the 15th
of October. Are you getting a letter from me every day?
I sure hope so. I'm writing once and sometimes twice a
day. I hope the mail service there isn't as bad as it
is here.

The sergeant I work with said for me to tell you "R.J.
Marsieles [the sergeant] has 14 days to go and he's
not letting me forget it." He's really funny. Been in
the army 22 years and retires in a month. He says he
has hated every minute of it. He's spent 22 months
in Viet Nam. Well, when you get this letter I will
have 11 more months to go. 335 days. That's really
a long time. I miss you so much and I want to come
home so bad.

I'm sending you some pictures. They didn't turn out
as well as I expected, but I hope you can get some
idea of what it looks like around here. I'm going to
take some more when they get the film in the PX.
What's this you said about not being able to get a
prescription? What are you spending your money on?
Please don't spend a lot on me. You go ahead and get
the prescription filled and take care of yourself.
And please don't worry so much about the money
because like you said, it all works out. I'll be
sending you some money in about 2 days. And as soon
as I find out what I need over here I'll increase
your allotment. The only thing I want you to send me
is just 1 letter a day. Packages are nice, but I can
live without them, so please don't spend a lot of
money on me, unless you feel you have to. I now you
love me and I love you so very, very much.

Have you met a lot of nice girls in the Viet Nam
Wives Club? I would imagine you all would become
quite close over the year. Are there any Negroes
in your club?

Well, I've stayed up all night tonight and it's
about time I go to be. I'll write more tomorrow.
Sweetheart, I love you very, very much...........
more than anything. All my love always,
Your Bobby [Wolpf]

30 October 1967 Postmark > Gayle to Bobby

October 29th
Dear Angel, You won't believe where I just got
back from. I called , no, your mom called me about
7:30 and I had a craving for bananas and she came
by so we went to the Krystal and she got me a piece
of banana cream pie and an orange drink. Aren't I
silly? I've had cravings for all sorts of fruit.
It alternates between oranges, strawberries and
bananas. I had a good long nap- from 3:30 'til
6A:30. I need the rest because I'll be working this
week. Lord, I love you so much- I look at your
pictures and start crying. I'm a silly mouse.

It seems funny to be going to work, but it'll be fun
to work for Marion. I'll just be tired I guess. I
hate to mess with all of the traffic each day. I
haven't figured out what I'll do with Snuffy. Maybe
Sonja can let him out after I leave and I'll put him
up when I get back 'cause I'll be going to wash
clothes at your mamas.

Honey, I want you to come home when Little Bit comes
more than anything, but won't it be harder on you?
Dr. D. will do all he can and the rest is up to God.
It'll all work out. God, I miss you. It hurts.

Honey, this is just a note. I wanted to talk with you.
I'm going back to bed. I love you more than anything.
All my Love- forever, Your Gayle [Mouse] xoxoxx

30 October 1967 Postmark > Gayle to Bobby
October 29th

Dear Angel, Hi! I just got back from your family's
house. We went to the opening service at the new
church and then I had dinner with them. I have to
get my Tupperware order together today and do a lot
of nothing's that take time before tomorrow when I
work for Marion. Sonja's gone someplace and do I
need help with this order. First I have to call
Mrs. Boyd and get the rest of her order. Boy is
your dad ever down on Dr. Thompson. I really think
everybody is. He has decided there will be no more
prayer meetings and a lot of things that shouldn't
be left up to him. The other day your daddy ran
into Mrs. Thompson and he asked her why Dr. Thompson
never prayed for the servicemen or the boys in Viet
Nam. She said, "Well I guess he has other things
on his mind." And your dad said, "Well, he better
start thinking about our boys fighting communism or
that new church won't be any good to him or anybody.
" I think that was funny, but he's right, 'cause Dr.
Thompson NEVER even mentions servicemen in any way.
By the way, your mama got a note from Mrs. Bowman.
She had written a poem about Tete and said to tell
everybody hello and that every time she "kneels"
she prays for "Bobby." She is the dearest woman.

Honey, about my saying not to call- call if you
want to, but from your look at the finances do
what you feel is best. I love you so-I'd figure
out some way to pay for the call- This money from
Marion will just help put me floating on water-
My head won't be out of it for a while. I'm fixing
' to take a nap. I'm so tired by 3:00. It's awful.
Lord, I may take pills for awhile after I quit
nursing the baby. so I'll get them regulated and
working for when you come back, 'cause if I don't'
I'll get pregnant again and that would be a
pregnancy every year for 3 years straight and my
body can't take it. Then when Litte Bit is over a
year old we can get mouse pregnant again so we'll
have 2 years between them. I kind of want to go to
Elaine and Jim's tonight and see their room. It's
about finished. Daddy loaned my $5 for next week.
Lord, we're in a mess.

I'm going to take a nap and then get up and eat.
Then work on my money problems, that order and
take a bath and go back to bed. I have to be at
Marion's at 9:00. She's giving me $50 for the
week, without deductions- sort of a gift, so we
don't claim it. Honey, I pray to go you can get
home for the baby before it comes, so you can
take me and after so you can come home with us.
That's just about 10 days. Lord, I love you so
much Wolpf.

I'm going to bed- I love you more than anything.
All my love forever, Your Gayle [The Mouse]

29 October 1967 postmark> Gayle to Bobby
October 28th
Dear Angel, You're right- You have written me
"bitchy" letters, but that's ok 'cause even though
you had only gotten 2 letters, there are 12 at
least before those that you've not gotten. I
started sending letters to you as of Oct. 4th-
You have another package to get- and Lord knows
how any cards and letters. You'll get them all
eventually- so quit fussing.

You should see Snuffy. He's sitting in the cane
bottom chair at the window- facing the window
and playing with a fly in the window seal. It
doesn't sound very funny, but you know how silly
he is. Now he's up on his paws on the back of
the chair. It seems that he has developed an
association with cats- I think he thinks he is

I've quit smoking! As of today. It's not because
I want to right now, but I haven't the money to
buy them, so it's a good excuse to quit. It doesn't
seem as hard 'cause if I can't buy them- I simply
can't smoke. I'm about to die though. I've been
sitting here figuring out how I can get some, but
when I say- why bother, there's no money for them-
it's not good for you - these headaches will stop
and besides I think I'm strong enough to not be
hooked on something. And, if I try to pretend
there's a roach bug cured up in each one that
will help I suppose.

Today's Mom and Dad's 22nd anniversary. It won't
be long 'til we'll be giving them a silver
anniversary party will it? I think I'm going to
keep the kids so they can go out. I may keep
them all night, but I'm going to the opening of
the New First Baptist with your family tomorrow,
so that could cause complication Oh well, I guess
I'll keep them while they're out tonight. Poor
ol' things. You should see Daddy in that car. He
thinks he's 16 years old. Mom and I just laugh at
him. I think he's had it 2 days and he's washed it
3 times. It's so funny. He seems to feel better.
I went over to Tim and Jackie's last night. We
played cards. Jimmy and Kathy Sheehorn [sic] were
there, so I left after a short while. I can't take
them- He's nothing and she's actually stupid.

Next week after Marion pays me for working I'm
going to get some film and send you a picture of
what's been done in the nursery and Snuffy's chewed
ear- my stomach - all of this Tupperware and anything
I think of. Also, a tape. I hope you can find some
place to play it- and in private. Darling, this may
sound ugly, but I wish you'd wait 'til later to call
me- I owe your mama $61 above the $75 now for the
phone bill and next month is going to be a bitch 'cause
I owe everybody money- Ha! In fact I could pay out
$500 next month and still owe above our reg. monthly
payments. Honey, just send me a tape. I just don't have
enough money to live and I'm having to let all sorts
of bills go unpaid. There is no way but for you to send
me more money- It's impossi8ble for me to go on like
this. Just look at the extra expense. To name a few-
About $100 because of you leaving, etc. $61 phone bill,
$56- Car bill- $32 Furniture monthly. Then there are a
million incidentals like birthday gifts, shower gifts,
toothpaste, parking at the doctor's and Snuffy's Vet
bill. What can I do honey? Right now I have that can
of v8 juice, 6 eggs, 2 cans of dog food, some hamburger,
2 cans of tuna, bread, 2 oranges, 1 apple and only
$15 budgeted for food- including Snuffy's, for next
month. So you're going to have to do something. Like
I've said, this isn't something I've gotten us into.
Oh, and damn, I'm going to go find a cigarette-
Someplace! Wait. I just went to the drugstore and got
some with 33 pennies. It's just that I'm so depressed
anyway- without worrying about money and the baby and
God knows you! I just can't get upset 'cause it really
doesn't like this is an easy baby to carry. My cousin
Shirley might be pregnant again. If so it'll be born 2
months after ours. Yu would really like the. She and I
have gotten real close. The funny thing is she too,
can't smoke around her mom. I've decided I'll put off
lighting a cigarette 'til I can't stand it and try each
time for longer intervals between them than the time

Honey, I wish you'd write your parents and tell then
you want Rick and me to meet you when you come home,
'cause you don't think it's a good idea for the baby
to come except by plane and you want us- our own little
family to have some days together alone before you come
home. If that's not what you want I'll try to understand
but it takes a man to say no to what your family says
WE ARE GOING TO DO! If you want them to come too, then
don't count on us being there, because we won't be and
I will not tell them they can't go. You'll have to. I
don't mean to sound ugly, but we'll be a real family
then. We are even now and they'll jus t have to accept
it. You've never mentioned it completely- and to be
quite frank, it's another problem. I wish you could get
my allotment straightened out- in the sense of increase.
Lord, I love you. I really am miserable- Honestly! It's
awful isn't it? Honey, all of your Xmas gifts from me
will be late 'cause I have no money to get them. I'm
awfully sorry, but there's no other way I see now. I'm
enclosing a "letter" Donna Royal wrote to me. It's the
type thing they give me. Isn't it darling?

I'm going to go no. I love you more than anything, I'm
sure you can say the same. Take care of yourself. All
my love forever, Your Gayle [The Mouse] xoxxoxx
p.s. I wish you'd at least send my $18 travel pay and
the $25 check I sent you. I love you!!

29 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle
Saturday night
Hi Sweetheart, Well how are you tonight? Fine I hope.
Things are still pretty boring around here. Just
sitting here. I work pretty hard up until 11 pm then
things sort of slack off. That's when I start writing
you. When I start writing is Saturday night and I
usually finish the letter in the morning. In fact in
about 30 minutes it will be Sunday.

I caught a guard asleep tonight. He will be reported
to his company commander tomorrow and he will deal
with him. You know the fighting I told you we could
see and hear? Well, it seems to be getting closer and
closer. You can tell its closer every night. The time
sure does drag over her. Everyday seems like an
eternity. Especially when you don't get any mail. Right
now I'm getting a letter every other day or every two
days. I sure wish I could get a letter every day.

I'm supposed to pick my pictures up tomorrow and then
I will send you some of the. I sure hope they will
turn out alright. I'm so miserable over here. I miss
you my mouse so much. It's so hard to go to bed and
wake up without you. I sure wish I could see you. I
love you so very much darling.

I'm trying to get 2 people promoted to corporal. But
I think I'm just going to push one of the. Because
the other one is trying to take advantage of me. For
example I'll tell him to go out on a stakeout someplace
and he will go and then come back to the office in
about 45 minutes to an hour and sit around for a couple
of hours. When I asked him why he's not on a stakeout
he comes up with some half ass excuse. He's really
making me mad.

Did you ever get my present to you? If you haven't I'm
going to start tracing it down. I sure hope you like it.
It was the only thing I saw in the PX I thought you
would like. It worries me so much- just the thought
that you ay not like it.

You kept mentioning in your letters that have caught
up with me you didn't know where I was. Well the first
letter I wrote after we left the states was mailed in
Honolulu where we stayed for about 30 minutes. It was
written on the plane. The post card was written in
Honolulu. Then the next letter was written on the
plane and mailed at Clark AFB in the Philippines. Then
the next 2 were written and mailed from Long Binh and
the rest have been from Qui Nhon. I would rather be
here at Qui Nhon than at Long Binh. There is nothing
at Long Binh other than rice paddies and red mud. Qui
Nhon is a lot cooler than Long Binh. And it is a lot
more secure area. But, it's not like home. I don't
guess anything can ever take the place of home. I'll
be so glad when I'm out of the army. Then we can
plan things and I'll be working white man's hours and
you can spend more time with yours and our family.
I'm definitely going to get out of the service at the
end of this year. This is really getting to me. I hate
every minute of it. When I get back I hope people don't
ask me a lot of questions. You're the only one who I
will answer them for. I wish a lot of the American people
could come over here and see what it is like. They
wouldn't believe it. It's so different than what I thought
it would be. There are so many people over here with
nothing to do but harass people. You have inspections
all the time which shouldn't be done in a combat zone.
This one major here told a driver of a 5 ton truck to
tell the gate guard that he said it would be alright
for the truck to leave the depot with a load without
paper work which is not gone and he himself said not
to let any vehicle to leave without paper work and he
got mad about it when we wouldn't let it go. It's just
a bunch of Mickey Mouse stuff like this that makes it
ridiculous over here. I want to come home to you so
bad. I love you so very much darling. The people in our
battalion are alright. But it's the people in depot
headquarters who are like that. They are always carrying
on about something.

I'd better try to get some sleep now. I'm so tired.
I'll write tomorrow [Sunday] afternoon if I have time
and for sure tomorrow night. Sweetheart, I love you so
very much............more than anything. Please take
care of yourself and Little Bit and I love you very
much. All my love forever, Your Bobby

28 October 1967 postmark> Bobby to Gayle

Friday night and Saturday morning

Dear Mouse, How are you today? The reason I said
"Friday night and Saturday morning" is because
I'm writing this letter starting about 11:50 and
will end it sometime Saturday morning about 12:30
or 1:00 am. We haven't been too busy tonight. We
heard some mortar rounds earlier and we thought
there might be a red alert but the report said they
were fired close to us, but were hitting about 9 miles
away. There was a big battle around An Khe tonight
and from what ZI understand the 1st. Cav. Div. got
shot up. Anyway, a sergeant in our company has an
infection on his leg and he went to the hospital to
see about it and he couldn't see a doctor because
they were all busy with the men who were wounded.

This place gets worse and worse each day. I'm so
lonely over here. It gets worse as each day goes by.
Well, on Thursday of next week I will have 11 months
left. Lord, that's a long time. I sure hope I can
get home when our baby is born. Please see if Dr.
Demos can arrange it. I love you so much and wan to
see you so bad.

What's this about our car breaking down? Did it cost
anything to get it fixed? I shouldn't have because
it was their fault for not fixing it right and check the
bill to see if they charged anything for fixing the
noise in the back and if they did talk to them about
it because it's not fixed. At the end of the month
I'll send you a money order for about $50 that should
help. The letter with the check in it finally caught
up with me today along with 3 other letters. I tore
up the check. So, that's $25 more for you. I hope it
will help. If you would let me see how much I'm going
to be making and how much I'm going to spend each
month before I increase your allotment. The people
who said it cost about $75 to live here are in a
different plan than I am. And, they're probably in
the infantry which doesn't cost as much as living
in a build up area. But nevertheless, I'll send you
some money at the end of the month and in Dec. I'll
increase your allotment.

Please send me some idea about what you want for
Christmas. They don't have much in the PX but
downtown they have some nice things. The town is
off limits now. But it will come on limits about
the 2nd of November.

I'm so tired. I'd better try to get some sleep
I'll write more tomorrow night and probably after
noon if I have time. I love you more than anything.
Take care of yourself and Little Bit and please see
if Dr. Demos can get me home and I love you very
much. All my Love always, Your Bobby

28 October 1967 Postmark> Bob's mother to Bobby
Dearest Bob, It is so good to get your letters. We
are so happy too, that our mail is getting through
to you. I( know 3 weeks without mail , especially
the 1sst 3 weeks over there didn't make it any easier
for you, but now maybe it will all come thru with
no trouble.

There was a big natural gas line explosion at the
White Farm off Wilcox Blvd. this morning and they
evacuated everyone in that area. I think it's under
control now. Bob Dover bought the yellow Ford. Gayle
says he is just lie a 16 year old boy with a new toy-
that won't help the 1st gear. Remember how you used
to get onto me for "gunning" it? Our new church opens
tomorrow. We are going to pick Gayle up and then we
will eat dinner here.

We got the plans for the fireplace yesterday. We hope
to get it done before the weather turns too cold. Do
you remember Dad told you an official at Coca-Cola was
interested in you until her found you had army service
ahead of you? Well, that same man, this week, asked Dad
about you and said he wanted to see you when you return.
It was him taking the initiative- NOT DAD.
I have been out 2 or 3 days this week selling cards.
Each day I do only 2 or 3 appointments instead of the
7 or 8 I used to do. I'm still a little under my normal
stride. Hal and Teena De Mayo are going to marry March
19th. Lewis Parker is taking a job in Memphis. Patsy
will be moving soon I guess. Poor Myrtie. She will be
depressed now.

Gayle and Little "Bit are getting along fine. She got
a little overly tired this week but after resting she
seems fine now. We try to do all we can for her. We
talk EVERDAY and I see her almost every day.

You know how much Bob D. loves you and I'm sure when
the time comes he'll do what is necessary to move
things from one place to another - do you understand
what I mean? Don't worry about it- just pray. Bob,
we are so proud of the sacrifice you and the other Men
are making. It'll pay off in years to come, believe me.
Try to not be bitter- as I have said, it doesn't hurt
anyone but yourself. When your get lonely and depressed,
just make a list of all the things you have to be
thankful for. I'll be a long list.

Must run now and fix dinner for Fret. Tonight's the
homecoming game. Fret seems to be feeling unusually
well. We love you VERY much and are so proud. Mother.

Thought today: Remember, your relatives had no choice
in the matter either.

Hint today: If you're down pillows have become flat,
throw them in the dryer two at a time, with a couple
of clean tennis ball. The tennis balls will plump up
clumps and spread out the feathers.

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About Me

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Atlanta area, Georgia, United States
I am a true daughter of the South. Here we listen to stories. We keep the stories. We share stories. We write stories. Sometimes they are true. In recent years an ability to make others laugh while recanting some of these was made evident through the interference of dear friends. It was the general consensus these should be shared with a larger audience than those in my "rabbit hole." [You know who you are.] Because I was first an artist, having worked as an illustrator, graphic designer, an art teacher, among other areas, the next step seemed to use "words" in order to convey images at word paintings. It is through stories from diverse, though ordinary experiences I hope to share here.